Into this...

I also made homemade honey wheat hoagie rolls. We sliced roast beef and had a most delicious dinner the other night.

What do you do to calm down when you are frustrated or upset about something?
Check out Dora's Pay It Forward Friday Post. One of you may be able to help.
Way to release the aggression.
I do home repairs or yard work, lol. Hands on stuff that requires little in the way of logistics, and more physical thoughts.
Yum, wanna come bake bread at my house? :)
Ummm, eat chocolate! :-)
BTW, that bread looks sooooo yummy!
Wow! The plants look great, and the bread looks so delicious!
I like to drive around and sing, sing, sing!
Great job! I got for a walk and try to take in my surroundings.
I like to clean. Having a clean house (which is almost never the case) makes me feel a little more relaxed. I also watch funny movies.
That bread looks amazing!
for me, it's (trying to) escape to my bedroom, have a lay down and read for awhile. It almost never lasts long as my daughter always comes in to cheer me up - even if she is sometimes the cause of my frustration!
You'll have to take some pics of the meals you create when you eventually get to use all the vegies you've planted!
Yum, those rolls look GOOD! I used to go for a run when I was mad but now I take it out on bread dough LOL
Niiice!!!! You are a true gardener since you were brave enough to start with actual seeds. Not me, I bought plants because my seeds never really grow for some reason. Your bread looks like it came from a bakery. You rockin momma!!!
Holy crap, that's a bunch of work with the planting! For me, my outlets are running (to vent and get my head out of the stressed place), or "organizing" which could mean anything from cleaning out a closet to tidying the house to re-org'ing where stuff goes cuz I hate where it lives now.
I'm jealous of your homemade bread. Those are some mighty cute little seedlings!
Those are some big plants! Great job!
To calm myself down, I either talk on the phone or stare at useless tv.
Cooking and gardening are big for me, too. Baking, not so much -- could probably use a lesson from you!
Happy weekend!
Crank the radio and sing at the top of my lungs.
Your bread looks yummy!
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