Please take a minute to click over to and view this stunning video tribute to all our military heroes...

Are you a morning or night person? Definitely a night person...but my 3 hellions force me to at least function in the morning.
What was your favorite childhood television program? I loved Sesame Street and Mr. Roger's Neighborhood but the theme song that sticks in my head is from Pinwheel, a Nick show that my sister's watched...
If you could be any animal, what would you be? I'd love to be a dolphin...swimming through the oceans and jumping through the air sounds heavenly.
What do you usually think about right before falling asleep? It honestly depends...sometimes a project I'm working on, sometimes what is planned for the next day, etc
Ever been addicted to a video/computer game? Oh yeah, I was thoroughly obsessed with Toontown
You’re given 1 million dollars, what do you spend it on? Hmmmm, presuming it was 1 million post tax, I'd pay off our house, sink about 200 thousand into the house for improvements/expansion, pay off my parents' house, buy my hubby and I new cars, put about 400 thousand in IRAs and investments, and the little bit left would be mad money.
Have any bad habits? Picking my nails...sometimes I break the habit for months at a time but then one breaks or cracks or peels and it goes to hell.
All around the mulberry bushOops, sorry, got off track there. We were making a mulberry pie and had it ready to pop in the oven. I turned the oven on to pre-heat it and NOTHING happened. The burners on the stove top worked but the oven was dead. So, on Friday, I hopped on Craig's List and started looking. I lucked out and found someone who is in business selling used appliances and found a GE range for only $80. I was seriously stoked because it was in great shape and it was cheap.
The monkey chased the weasel;
The monkey thought 'twas all in fun,
Pop! goes the weasel.
A penny for a spool of thread,
A penny for a needle—
That's the way the money goes,
Pop! goes the weasel.
Over at Our Bodies, Our Blog, the annual Women's Health Heroes Awards are in full swing. This year, one of our own has been nominated for an award, Jenni Saake at Infertility Mom. Currently, she's in third place. Jenni has written the book " Hannah's Hope: Seeking God's Heart in the Midst of Infertility, Miscarriage and Adoption Loss", and is the creator of Hannah's Prayer Ministries.
Infertility is often overlooked when it comes to women's health (who gives a hoot if you can't be a mother, right?)- and I think it would send a fantastic message- one that says "Hey, there are a lot more of us than you think!"- if Jenni made it to the top spot.
Just click on over, leave a comment, and hit the "thumbs up" button at the bottom of the post.
Vote for Jenni- and pass it on!
**Updated- She's #2!
Sometimes the best ideas come from out of the blue. Spur of the moment flashes of brilliance triggered by something we stumble upon in life. That is how ARe's most recent charitable venture came to our attention.I've already bought my copy of Henry and Jim (it's only $ and I'm going to buy another book or two when my hubby gets paid. Even if you don't read romances, this is a great cause. Go buy a book! And, book challenge participants, in order to help get you to support the cause, this eBook (only an 18 page PDF) will count as a whole book!
It all started early one morning with an email from book blogger Teddy Pig. The subject line read "Good Deeds and Dumb Ideas". Needless to say, we were intrigued. In spite of the comical title, the email contained a heart wrenching story and Teddy's reaction to it, a reaction we at ARe immediately shared.
To sum it up, there is a court case happening in Sonoma County, and until you read the details for yourself, you'd be hard pressed to believe that something like this could happen in the year 2010. Harold and Clay were partners for 20 years, doing everything they thought legally necessary to insure their future and security together. However when 88 year old Harold was hospitilized, his wishes and his power of attorney in the hands of the 77 year old Clay was not enough. The County of Sonoma declared everything the couple had built in their life together, as Harold's property alone, and auctioned it off to pay the bills, leaving Clay destitute.
We suggest you read the story HERE and form your own opinion.
Teddy was deeply affected by this story and immediately made apersonal donation to the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) who is now working to get Clay back what was taken from him. Then Teddy, who is an avid reader, remembered that author JM Snyder had a book with the theme of this story for sale at ARe. Wouldn't it be great if we could capitalize on this book to somehow help, he asked? He was right, it would be great, and when ARe decided they wanted to help, and approached the author it all came together. JM Snyder was not only willing to donate a portion of the proceeds from her story Henry and Jim, she wanted to commit all JMS books for the cause.
JM describes the story for us. "Henry and Jim is a story I wrote with my grandfather in mind. He died of Alzheimer's Disease when I was younger, and I wanted to write a story about an older couple because so many M/M authors just deal with young, gorgeous characters who don't realistically portray today's gay men or their relationships... The story centers around two men, Henry and Jim, who have spent a lifetime together. Old men now, Henry reminisces about the love they've shared as he learns to cope with Jim's fading memory and his own fear of being forgotten."
During the month of May, 25% of the proceeds from ALL JMS Books will be donated to NCLR and ARe is matching her commitment and will be donating 25% of our proceeds as well. Readers who shop at All Romance/OmniLit and buy JMS Books by J.M. Snyder during the month of May will not only be getting a great read, they will be contributing to a great cause.