"Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing. " -Helen Keller

Thursday, October 07, 2010

The Weirdest Conversation

This morning, while Marty was doing his school work, I was doing some work on the computer and Gabe was watching Backyardigans: Legend of the Volcano Sisters for the 80 millionth time in the past two days.  All of this could pass for a fairly normal morning in the Cruz household.  The, out of the blue, Gabe announced "Prison food is yucky."  This was so random and WTF inducing that I had to pursue the train of thought.  So, I made the mistake of asking him "how do you know?"  Gabe said "It sits there and gets yucky."  Since that induced more head scratching and WTFery, I tried again.  I asked "Gabe who did you learn that from?"  Gabe looked at me and said "Bri."  Marty and I looked at each other and totally cracked up.  Bri is my sister's daughter and we haven't seen them in almost 2 months.  After I managed to stop laughing, I looked at Marty and said "You know, I ought to call Aunt Keri and say Do you know what your daughter taught my son?"  The sheer absurdity of the situation had us both snickering and Marty ran to get the phone.

Here's where things got a bit surreal.

I called my sister and said "Do you know what Gabe claims..."  She started laughing before I even got the "that Bri taught him" out because she knows by now that with Gabe involved, it's guaranteed to fall into the strangerer and strangerer category.  When I told her that Gabe claimed Bri had told him prison food was yucky, she laughed even harder and called out to ask Bri if Gabe learned that from her.  Bri said that she had taught him that but she couldn't remember exactly when.  We were laughing this whole time.  Then , Bri said she didn't remember exactly what brought it about but that she remembered telling Gabe that prison food was yucky and if Elmo ate it after it had been sitting around, Elmo would die.

So, somehow we went from Backyardigans and Huka Pele to cousins teaching about prison food to Elmo dying when he eats bad prison food.  Some day I will learn not to pursue answers to these What The Fuck moments.


nancy said...

lol! I bet prison food ~is~ yucky. And poor elmo, he better not ever go to prison!!!

BTW, when in the hell did I call you Robin? I'm so sorry I did! Sheesh, I try to get back into commenting and I call you by the wrong name. Yes, I officially suck!

areyoukiddingme said...

Smart cousin! Start teaching them early that crime doesn't pay...

Kakunaa said...

You have to explore the WTFery...it's too good not to!

Anonymous said...

how do you not find out where that came from? too funny.

stitchersanon said...

ALWAYS PURSUE those WTF moments: they are an amazing part of childhood and how the logical child mind works.
Pure genius! and as someone who has worked in the prison service, please tell them they are absolutely right and Elmo would hate it! xx

Mrs. Gamgee said...

Oh my... hilarious! The things kids think of and remember. At least you know that Gabe will always keep things interesting. :)

Colette S said...

LOL but I think there is some truth to the yuck!

And of course pursue and share so we can bust up laughing too :)

Quiet Dreams said...

Ahh, Elmo. They'd eat him alive in prison, I fear. I think the food would be the least of his worries.

AnotherDreamer said...

Oh, wow. That is awesomely hilarious, LOL