Wednesday, June 30, 2010
I love my children...I love my, really, I do love my children
But today, today has been another story. I feel like I've spent my day listening to the kids whine and snipe and argue. The irony of it all is Gabe has been the most grown-up and helpful of the kids so far.
Marty argued with me for 20 minutes about making his bed. See, I told the older two boys that they needed to learn to make their beds today. They sleep on loft beds and, frankly, it's a royal pain in the ass to make the beds. So, until now, I've changed the sheets for them. Both of them had their beds stripped and, while the sheets were being washed and dried, I covered the mattress with extra comforters that we have. Marty's first argument was that his bed was already made. When that didn't work, he tried to convince me to let him keep the extra comforter on his bed after we put his sheets and comforter on. I told him no and he said "But I don't like to sleep under the comforter because that messes it up and then I have to make it everyday." He didn't like it too much when I laughed at that excuse. I tried to to explain that extra comforters were just that and were to be kept available in case someone slept over or one got dirty. His response was "But, I can give it up whenever someone else needs it." I said no and he got agitated about me not being willing to compromise. Somehow, I didn't think compromise meant giving a whiny, argumentative 13 yr old what he wanted. Again, I told him no and said it wouldn't work because then the comforter would be dirty. He said "But, I would wash it before they used it." I told him that wouldn't work because it took several hours to wash and dry that. His comeback was that it would only take two hours and that isn't several hours?!?!? Geez, I think he would still be arguing with me if the phone hadn't rung. I also had to explain to him that he was not the parent and I did not owe him an explanation about the way I handled things with Gabe. How the hell am I suppose to deal with Gabe yelling at Marty when Marty turns around and yells at him and then actually has the nerve to tell me he did that because I wasn't making Gabe stop. He is seriously pissing me off.
Joey has been whining, arguing, and fussing at and with his brothers. He has been whining and purposely misunderstanding me. He has pouted and whined about things I have already said I would do or help with.
Now, Gabe has been a little bit of a pain to his brothers but he has actually been helpful to me. Gabe has been doing laundry with me and has helped me clean the microwave.
Is it a rule that when a mom takes time for herself that she gets paid back with a day from hell the next day? If so, I'm kind of scared about what will be waiting for me when I get home from BlogHer.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
142 days and counting...
Oooh, check out the HP crafts at Leaky Cauldron and Starknuts and Wilcox Wizard Wears and HP quilting patterns at Sewhooked
Monday, June 28, 2010
Perfect Moment Monday: New Photo Technique
I was playing around this weekend and the notion hit me to try something new with my camera. These were the cool beyond belief results (please click on them...they are even cooler when they are enlarged)...

Go check out the other perfect moments at this week's Perfect Moment Monday on Weebles Wobblog.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
How to freak out your 13 yr old

Friday, June 25, 2010
Photo Friday: Unexpected Loves
I started out with a photo of this kind of cool and funky manhole cover...

Then I selected these photos to use as filters...

and, then I added the filters to the original photo...

Thursday, June 24, 2010
Oh Happy Day...
Last night I found out I won the Flip MinoHD video camera being given away by Cisco through Aunt Becky. I am thrilled. I have been lusting after one of these wonderful little video cameras for a long time and now I have one. Best of all, I will have it in hand before BlogHer.
And, today I bought my bus tickets to get to BlogHer. I remember telling y'all about my $60 round trip fair and now I have my e-tickets in hand.

And now, just because I feel like it, here is some garden porn(all pictures are clickable)...

Gabe next to the tomato plants

My squash and zucchini harvest

my cojoined twin squash

the squash flower I created

And, my lovely tomato plants have about 14 baby tomatoes on them. Woohooo!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
A One-Two Punch
ONE...My cousin's wife is expecting their 5th child. This is the cousin I grew up with. He is almost exactly the same age as me and his wife is a lovely person. I am happy for them because they've experienced loss and their life hasn't been perfectly smooth. But, when I read the news, I got that sinking feeling we all know too well. That feeling that screams "Why can't that be me?" I fucking hate that that feeling is back but I guess it answers the question that has been dogging me lately. I still do want another child.
TWO...then, while I was feeling kind of low, the second blow hit. I popped onto my blog and was checking my blogroll to see if there were any posts I needed to read and I saw one that made my heart sink all the way down. Jo over at MoJo Working said there was No Heartbeat. It just isn't fucking fair. I was sitting here with tears welling up and my heart was breaking for Jo. God did I feel like a selfish bitch when I was grieving not having my fourth and she was grieving not having any babies to hold.
I was down for the count and my dreams weren't that peaceful last night. While I will always be heartbroken when I hear about a loss, I refuse to get dragged back to dwelling on what I don't have. I want to appreciate my blessings and laugh until a smile drives the blues away. Victor Hugo said "Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face." I believe it does more than that. I believe laughter can renew your soul.
Share a laugh or a favorite quote with me. May it bring a smile to both of our faces.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Play ICLW Baseball!
Here's what to do if you want to play ICLW Baseball:
1. Copy these instructions and post them on your blog.
2. Answer the Base Questions.
3. Find other participating bloggers who have the same answers you do. Find at least one blogger for each base and link back to them in your baseball post. You may find more than one blogger with common answers for each post base. Your post will be a work in progress. Get YOUR base answers up ASAP, then go back often to edit and add the links of bloggers who share answers with you!
4. Once your base answers are up, go to I'm a Smart One/Kymberli's blog and add your baseball post hyperlink to the list. Kym's blog is home base; check the list to find the other players."
Here are my base answers:
1st Base: Diet Coke shared with My Bumpy Journey
2nd Base: Carrabba's Italian Grill
3rd Base: December shared with Suzy, Not a Fertile Myrtle
Home: Finding Nemo shared with Anna, A garden for butterflies, My Bumpy Journey
I hope this adds another element of fun to this week's ICLW blog hopping! Spread the word - the more who play, the easier it is to fill your bases! PLAY BALL!
Point of order...
Smooches, Kristin
Monday, June 21, 2010
The Oh My! Meme
1. The phone rings; who don't you want it to be? a telemarketer...HATE that
2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart? Always, its truly a pet peeve of mine when people leave their carts in any random spot.
3. In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener? I'm more of a listener but, in a good give and take, I can talk as much as anyone.
4. What was the last compliment that someone gave you? That I was a very good girl (my 4 yr old)
5. Do you play the lottery? Every once in a while.
6. If abandoned alone in the wilderness, who would you want with you? MacGyver...he can build or do anything with almost nothing.
7. Do you like to ride horses? Love it. I spent the summer after college training horse professionally.
8. Did you ever go to camp as a kid? Yup, Girl Scout camp and church camp.
9. What is your favorite party game? Trivial Pursuit
10. If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was married, would you go for it? Not just no, HELL NO. Even if I was single, married men are OFF LIMITS.
11. When was the last time that you lied? Does fibbing to my kids count? If so, earlier today. Gabe wanted to come with me when I took Marty to camp and I told him that Daddy would be lonely if he didn't stay home. He didn't argue with me.
12. Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you? Yup
13. If you have a S/O, who pursued who? If not, do you like to pursue or be pursued? He asked me out first but I stuck with it when he was in his OMG scared stage. So, I guess it was mutual.
14. Use six words to describe yourself. Loyal, creative, funny, happy, smart, fulfilled
15. Name a song that could make you cry? Sarabeth by Rascal Flatts
16. Are you pleased with your education? Absolutely
17. How do you feel about gun control? Ummm, make sure you can hit your target. Actually, I firmly believe in the right to keep and bear arms.
18. If your house was on fire, what thing would be the first thing you grabbed? As long as I know my family is safe, my external hard drive with all the pictures on it.
19. How often do you have a romantic weekend? rarely
20. Do you think more about the past, present or future? the present
21. What was the last adult magazine that you have read? It was years ago, probably while I was in college, and it was the tamest of them all, Playgirl.
22. What are you told about your eyes? that they are beautiful
23. How tall is just right? about 5' 10"
24. Where is your dream house located? Here in the Cary area. I NEVER ever want to move again. I HATE moving. Now, I could gladly have vacation homes elsewhere.
25. Do you have a secret fetish? nope, I think I'm boring in that regard
26. Have you tried bourbon? If yes, what type? yup, dunno what type
27. Have you ever seen a male or female stripper? Yes
28. When was the last time you were at TGI Fridays? No clue...ages ago
29. When was the last time you were at Church? yesterday morning
30. Where was the furthest place you traveled today? I drove my son to Agape Camp...the Lutheran camp about 30 miles from my house
31. What was your favorite job? Other than being a wife and mom, my favorite job was being a paramedic.
32. What condiments do you like at your BBQ? If we are grilling burgers and dogs, then I want ketchup, spicy brown mustard, and mayo.
33. Do you look like your mom or dad? definitely my mom although I got my curly hair from my dad's family
34. Who was the last person that you showered with (it's okay to leave out the name)? 4 yr old
Hope y'all have a great week and I hope to see y'all around here again!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
The father of my children...
Almost 16 years ago, I married the man of my dreams. 13 1/2 years ago, we became parents and I watched him become the father I dreamed my children would have. Because of my c-sections, Vic has gotten to be the first one to hold each of our boys. I remember his singing to Marty as we were both wheeled back to recovery. I've been privileged to see him hold our boys close and wipe away their tears and, moments later, laugh and joke and play with them. He reads to them and teaches them and lives for them. He is an honorable man and is raising three honorable boys with me. Vic loves me, treats me as an equal, and treats me with chivalry. I believe our boys will grow up to be fine men because they have this example to live up to. Our boys are not afraid to be loving and gentle because they have seen their dad act that way. They are growing to understand that being a strong man does not mean avoiding gentleness. I can't think of a better person to be a father to my sons.

Happy Father's Day honey. I love you!
For all of you...
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Desperately seeking Kyron
Once upon a time, Lori's cousin‘s son went to school with a boy named Kyron. While her cousin’s son eventually transferred elsewhere, Kyron remained at the school and attended its science fair more than two weeks ago.
Kyron Horman has not been seen since. I am issuing an Internet SOS in hopes that our connectivity will somehow bring Kyron home.
Keep an eye out, especially those of you in the Pacific Northwest area. The tip-line is (503) 261-2847.

As Lori's cousin says, Please post on your blogs. You never know what might be the link in the chain that brings this boy home where he belongs.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Photo Friday: Afternoon Delight

Thursday, June 17, 2010
Household Hints from Evil Mom: Tip 2
Crest toothpaste is not limited to the roll of keeping your teeth sparkling and white...

So dear friends, do you have any helpful hints for Evil Mom?
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Urban Decay and Recreational Trespassing
The link that lead to my not so apparent demise was the link to EPBOT. EPBOT is the other blog of Jen, the brilliance behind Cake Wrecks. Jen describes EPBOT as Geekery, Girliness & General Goofing Off and the post that sucked me in was her post about her fascination with urban decay. She has some brilliant pictures of an abandoned drive in movie theater that she took. Jen also linked to *a post by Shane Perez, a self-professed recreational trespasser, who went on a jaunt to an abandoned Disney site, Discovery Island) and took some amazing pictures of urban decay. Of course, I had to click over. It was so cool and I couldn't help imagining myself doing something as daring and adventurous.
The closest I got to that level of adventure was in college. See, at Duke, like at many universities, there is a list of things you are suppose to try and complete before you graduate. It's a pretty short list...
- Go tunneling
- Drive backward around the traffic circle
- Have sex in the stacks of the library
So my friends, do any of y'all have a good story about recreational trespassing or some cool pictures of urban decay? Do you think you would ever have the guts to do something like Shane Perez or would you even want to do it?
* his other photos are well worth looking at but can NOT be considered safe for work as there are nude models in some of them
** Here are a couple of cool links that tie into the Shane Perez story...
So that's the explanation...

I have no clue what I'm going
to do with this pink blanket.

Isn't this the cutest elephant ever?

Saturday, June 12, 2010
I can't decide...
*Pizza won...but, not regular pizza, BBQ chicken pizza.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Photo Friday: Shoes

Thursday, June 10, 2010
The B.N. Era

Top Gun

There are so many other movies I learned to love in the B.N. era...Pretty Woman, Gone With the Wind, Breakfast Club, Big, Forrest Gump, Grease, Indiana Jones, The Princess Bride, and many many more. What are some of your favorite movies and memories from the B.N. era? If you decide to share it with us, make sure you go let JJ know. She's holding a giveaway tied to her B.N. post.
* If you are too young to know what an e-ticket ride is, don't tell me. It will make me feel old.