"Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing. " -Helen Keller

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Not A Good Start

Starting off the day by cleaning up a headless mouse and the puked up hairball next to it is NOT a good way to start the day.

Note to the kitty cats...I really, really appreciate that y'all don't let those nasty little creatures roam through my house but, please, please, either eat the WHOLE mouse or leave it intact. Headless is just not a good option...YUCK!


niobe said...

My cat does the same thing. Sigh.

Kir said...

Oh...Is it ok if I don't like kitty cats (can we PLLLLEEAAASE still be friends??? ) but this post is icky...BAD KITTY!
I hate that you have do that to start your day. *HUG*

AnotherDreamer said...

Oh yuck.

Meari said...

OMG, that made me gag just reading about it. :( I can't imagine having to clean it up. I think I'd have to pay one of the kids to do it. bleach.

Claire said...

Gag. Cat's are such assholes ( as we already know)
DH tells stories of these poodles they had growing up, who one of them would purposefully poop right outside his step dads door, so he'd step on it. Now THAT's crappy. I might rather clean mice than step in poo..It's a toss up, either way though.. all animals can be pretty gross!! I hope the day got better, though!!

Dora said...

Ewwwwwwwwwww! And damnit, cats do not take instruction well.

Aunt Becky said...

Damn cats.

battynurse said...

That's one of the reasons mine don't go outside. I had an outdoor cat though that would routinely scatter bird and mouse body parts around the yard which my dog at the time would then find and chew on for a while. Beyond gross.

Amy said...

Why do cats do that?? Is the head the tastiest part? Or is it all bad and they don't remember until they've eaten the top third and then say, "Oh, yeah. Mice taste like crap."

Our cat does the same thing. I clean up cat puke about every third day around here. It's why we bought a carpet spot cleaner in the middle of the night.