- Lynn won Mastermind - please email me your contact info, mailing address and phone number, and I will forward that to the game company.
- April won The House On Teacher's Lane - please email me your contact info, mailing address and phone number, and I will forward that to Ms. Simon
- Kakunaa won City Life - send me your contact info and I'll get the book in the mail
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Winner Winner Winner!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Writer's Block Backup
1. Is the dog in the house? Absolutely, our pets are part of our family.
2. What is the best piece of advice you've ever received? Don't take yourself too seriously.
3. What's the worst experience you've ever had involving alcohol? Freshman year in college, I went to a keg party at the DKE house. I was truly a lightweight when it came to drinking beer and I stayed out until after 2 in the morning playing quarters and drinking. I was on an Army ROTC scholarship and, the next day, we all had to be in full dress uniform (tight collars and all) at the Duke Chapel for some sort of service. I was sooooo hungover and being in a tight collared, starched uniform was fucking misery defined. I couldn't even claim to be sick and skip it because the guy that walked me home from the party was 2 years ahead of me in ROTC.
4. What's the worst thing you've ever done to another person? Stole their boyfriend...in my defense, I was young and clueless. It was done once and never again.
5. Who do you think started the concept of memes? no fucking clue but they didn't do a very good job claiming responsibility because they aren't famous now
6. Give a song title or line that describes how you are feeling right now...
I get this writer's block, it comes as quite a shock,
And now i'm stuck between a hard place and the biggest rock,
7. What's your favorite search engine? Yahoo!, Google, Ask, Bing? or something else? Google
8. If Paul is the Cute One and John is the Smart One and George is the Quiet One and Ringo is the Funny One, which Beatle are you? I'd say I'm John
10. When should you procrastinate - now or later? Always!
11. What is your favorite fast food? Do Krispy Kreme doughnuts count as fast food?
12. What was your favourite game as a child? Hmmmm, I use to love playing Backgammon and Clue.
13. Why terrible twos have to be terrible? To prepare us for the 4s which are so much worse. I think they should be called the Fearsome 4s.
14. Describe your favorite family member. She is warm, kind, generous, and has the ability to pick out the perfect gift or surprise for some one. The down side is her desire to make everything better can sometimes cause her to interfere where she shouldn't and other times it costs her dearly in terms of time commitments.
15. What does your favorite breakfast consist of? A western omelet and a LARGE cup of coffee. Sadly, I rarely have time to fix omelets.
16. What food is better the day after it was made? Taco Soup
17. What was your last big purchase? a new computer
18. When was the last time you kissed someone and really enjoyed it? hehehe, depends on what type of enjoyment we are talking about. Everyday enjoyment = this morning, Hot and Steamy enjoyment = last week
19. Why are there memes? because we are nosy and because it helps when we have writer's block
20. Described yourself using two words that rhyme. (i.e. fuddy-duddy) artsy-craftsy
21. If you were given the option of a "do-over" in life .. would you take it? I don't think so. I like who I am. I love my family and friends. A do-over would risk all the things that came together to create my life as it is right now.
22. What movie makes (or has made) you cry? What touched you about it? Oh man, there are so many movies that have made me cry. I am such a sap when it comes to things like that. The movie that immediately came to mind in reading this question is The Time Traveler's Wife. The same thing made me cry when I read the book too...when Henry knows his death is imminent, he takes the time to make sure Clare is surrounded by people that care for her and love her so she will have support when it happens.
23. What is one big mistake that you did in your life? And what did you do to make it right? I lost my virginity too early. Since I can't change what I did, I try to impress upon my oldest (and the other two when they are old enough) the importance of waiting for the right person and the myriad of consequences you could run into if you don't wait.
24. When Life Gives You Lemons, What Do You Do With Them? Squirt them in the eye of the bastard(s) that's making me miserable.
25. How different are you in real life as compared to the online identity you have created for yourself? I'm pretty much a case of what you see is what you get. Although there are some details of my life I don't share, I am very open and honest about who I am and what I believe.
26. Do you know what your parents would have named you if you had been born the opposite sex? Yes,but my mom swore up and down that she would NOT have a boy if she had to name him Owen Joseph O'Donnell IV.
So, you guys, are you going to join in? Do you have any questions? What do you do if you want to write but can't come up with a decent topic?
Monday, September 27, 2010
Do The Right Thing
When I was talking to the adults in her life, I felt the almost overwhelming urge to tell them "Tell her it will be ok. We'll take the baby. It would be a completely open adoption. We would love the baby as our own and she would be welcome in our life." Luckily, sanity prevailed and I kept my mouth shut. It is neither the time nor the place to even say anything about that. It just wouldn't be appropriate. But, I did tell them I was here for the girl to talk to if she needed an non-judgmental ear and I did tell them I know many people who have been involved in highly successful open adoptions.
It's funny. I had been slowly convincing myself the need for another child wasn't as strong as it had been before. Now, faced with this, I feel the need for a baby. I honestly expect this girl to keep the baby. With her personal/family history, any other decision would shock me. However, I think I want to sound my hubby out about this. If she should surprise everyone and decide on adoption, I want to know where my family stands on it.
No matter what happens, I need to start making a blanket and maybe a hat. Every baby deserves to be celebrated and every mother, even a very young mom, deserves the support of those who care about her.
My Craptastic Sunday
The kids were total pains to get out of bed for church and Sunday school...argued, whines, just generally difficult.
Got into an argument with Vic before we left for church...he was an ass, I was an ass, it was both our faults but it left me in a foul mood.
Marty, who is usually the good one in church, spent all of church whining about how tired he was and couldn't we go home. He wanted to know what he was suppose to do if he fell asleep in church and he thought I was joking when I said try not to snore.
Joey spent all of church whining about being hungry and cold (it was NOT cold in church).
Gabe of course picked up on his brothers' craptastic behavior and started showing his ass in church...purposely being randomly loud, sprawling across the floor.
Marty had a cataclysmic, near apocalyptic teenage meltdown when we were eating lunch...touched off by (of all things) me telling him hot dogs were only finger food when they were in buns or on bread. It was ugly...and he is going to bed by 9 all week long.
After lunch and after Marty's meltdown, Joey had to clean his room and Marty was suppose to help me bathe the dogs. He spent the whole time we were bathing the dogs complaining about getting wet (well DUH) and yelling at Gabe because Gabe thought the whole scenario was hysterical. I think I told Marty to "let me handle Gabe because you are NOT the parent" about 20 times while we were bathing the dogs.
After we were done and Marty had gone inside, I asked Gabe (who was soaked) to open the sliding door a little and yell for his dad to get towels. Marty decided to be a mini-parent again and yelled at Gabe to close the door and not let Jack in and slammed the door. Of course, Gabe's fingers got closed in the sliding door. Marty didn't seem to grasp that I wasn't pissed about Gabe getting hurt...that was an accident...but I was pissed that his inability to let me be the parent had caused Gabe to get hurt.
Then, the day was capped off by Gabe puking all over the rug and my purse because he would not go into the bathroom when he started gagging (he swallowed wrong and it triggered ye old gag reflex which led to dinner and strawberry milk decorating my floor).
Between Thursday and Sunday, last week sucked. If this week shows any signs of repeating, I think I'm going to run away to outer Mongolia.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Round and round and round we go...
- take Joey to school
- drive (with Gabe) to Apex (about 6 miles) to pay the mechanic and pic up the proof of inspection so I can register the Married Man Van
- Get to Apex and find out it hasn't been inspected because they have to drive it to inspect it and they can't drive it without being registered so I have to go to the DMV to get a temporary permit to drive it without inspection or registration.
- Drive from Apex to the far side of Cary (12 miles) and get the temporary permit
- Drive back to Apex (12 miles) to give the mechanics the temporary permit so they can inspect it.
- Head home (6 miles) so we can clean out the rental car before we turn it in.
- Clean out the rental car and call Enterprise Rent-a-Car
- Find out the Enterprise branch we got the rental from can't drive me to pick up my van from Vic so my next best option is the Enterprise branch in (where else) APEX...well fuck me
- drive BACK to Apex (6 miles) to drop off the rental car and that Enterprise gives me a ride across town to pick up my van (this leaves Vic free to drive the Married Man Van home)
- drive home (6 miles) in my white van (Ms. Manatee)
- pick up Joey from school
- drive Joey to TKD at the studio on the border of Cary and Apex
- finally get to drive home.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
One for the money, two for the show, three to get ready...

The next two giveaways are available to y'all out of the goodness of my heart (hear that FCC...no one gave me anything for this).

#3...Finally, not too long ago I got a chance to review a copy of The House on Teacher's Lane by Rachel Simon. I was provided a copy of the book when I reviewed it and I absolutely fell in love with the book. It is incredible (go read my review if you don't believe me). In fact, I loved the book so much that I want to give a SIGNED copy to one of my readers. I contacted Ms. Simon and she has agreed to sign a copy of the book I purchase and mail it out to the winner. This is one of the best books I have read in a very long time and y'all need to read it. So, ENTER.
HOW TO ENTER...you can enter twice daily between now and the 27th. All you have to do for the first entry of the day is tell me which prize is your first choice (COMMENT #1) and, for the second entry, tell me if you have a second choice (COMMENT #2). One comment = one entry. You must comment twice to get two entries. You can copy and paste your comments on subsequent days for subsequent entries. Just remember 1 comment = 1 entry.
Now enter and win!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
The party started without me...
A very important date.
No time to say hello, good-bye,
I'm late, I'm late, I'm late
I'm late
Despite those wonderful emails Mel sends out, I missed the start of ICLW yesterday. I guess you actually have to read the emails in time for them to do any good...oops. My thoughts have been kind of scattered lately so I guess this is going to be a sort of scattered post.
Joey: What happened to his husband after her died? (can I say I LOVE the fact that he just assumes he was married to a man)Can I just say I love this kiddo and am so very proud that he is absorbing and understanding the message of tolerance and acceptance we are trying to teach him!
Me: Well, he wasn't married. Back then, gay people were not allowed to marry their partners.
Joey: That's just stupid.
Me: In fact buddy, most states still don't let them get legally married.
Joey: Well, why not? That isn't fair.
Me: I don't know why not. I guess some people figure it's against God or maybe they find it threatening.
Joey: That's just dumb. It's not like gay people getting married affects them.
Also, somewhat related, when did you start talking and what is your earliest memory? Psychologists say the reason we don't have access to our early memories is because our memories files (for lack of a better word) are cataloged with language and, when we are teeny, there aren't words associated with memories so there is no way to find the memories in our brain. I'd be interested to see if early talkers have earlier memories.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Perfect Moment Monday: a little time together
It was simple. It was short. But, it was time together. My hubby and I got out to the store together and we had so much fun. When we get out together, we have a great tendency to be silly, ridiculous, and a wee bit non-pc. In other words, we would embarrass our teenager horribly. It's been so long since we've had a little bit of casual time together. It was good.
Go check out the other perfect moments at this week's Perfect Moment Monday on Weebles Wobblog.
Winner of the Die-Cut Business Cards
Sunday, September 19, 2010
We are family...
In my case, I am blessed to have been born into a pretty wonderful family. Sure, we have our issues, but then, who doesn't? But, due to the generous nature of my parents and my mother's tendency to want to rescue the world, I learned early on that the definition of family is flexible. There were people who were brought into our family years ago because my mom or my sister saw a need that triggered their urge to protect and help. Many of those individuals still come to family events and a few of them have kids that call my parents Grandma and Grandpa. Heck, my mom's desire to help people has meant she has never had to truly go through empty nest syndrome. Despite the fact that we are all grown up with families of our own, my parents have an 18 yr old living with them. One of my mom's students last year was graduating and the presence of a few ass clowns in her life left her with no place to go. Rather than let this promising young woman flounder and possibly slip through the cracks, my mom and dad opened their home and their hearts to her. She is starting to see that there are people who follow through on promises and are able to love and care for her and, well, it looks like our family has grown by one more member.
My family doesn't just consist of my biological sisters either. I have two lovely sisters that share my biology and I have friends who are so near and dear to my heart that I consider them my sisters...my sisters by choice. These women are people my kids call Aunt. These women cross the entire spectrum of life styles and family compositions. One dear friend is not married and is considering growing her family through adoption or possibly embryo donation. Another of my sisters by choice is married to a man who was adopted and this same woman has no contact with her birth family due to behavior on their part that destroyed their right to claim family ties. Yet another of my sisters by choice is sharing her life and her children with a wonderful woman who makes her happier than I've ever seen her. Between the family members I was blessed with by biology and the family members I was blessed with through choice, I have loved ones of just about every race, creed, and life style choice. I didn't set out to accumulate a group like this but my parents open-minded approach to families allowed me to open my heart and life to this.
I hope by watching my parents and us and these friends who became sisters, my boys will be open to whatever method of family growth life brings them. I also hope that once they grow up and have wives or husbands of their own the realize we will accept and love their families no matter how they come about. As long as they love each other and treat each other with respect, we will recognize their family bonds. If you live together, love together, and make memories together, you are family.
A Yahoo news story about the modern definition of family indicates that people are becoming more and more accepting of families that don't fit the stereotypical norms and, it's about damned time. How do you define family and what does it mean to you?
*ALI = Adoption Loss & Infertility
Friday, September 17, 2010
Goodies Galore

My absolute favorite thing I got this week is my Targus 6" Grypton Tripod. It works for my Flip Video camera and for my digital camera. It can sit on any surface or even wrap around an arm or a light pole or even a tree branch. Why do I have visions of my boys using this tripod to attach a camera to a hat and taping kamikaze runs? There is a quick detach piece that allows you to take the camera on and off the tripod quickly. Isn't that the coolest thing you've ever seen?

Head on over to Suzy's to check out the other Show&Tell entries this week.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Today has sucked...
Gabe is mostly better but is cranky as hell.
Because Marty was half asleep or cranky, he thought he needed to tell Gabe what he could or couldn't do which, of course, pissed Gabe off.
I had to clean the nasty assed fish bowls today because NO ONE except me evidently has the ability to clean or change their water despite it visibly needing to be done...and, in addition to cleaning the disgusting fishy smelling water, I had to dispose of two dead fish because they kicked the bucket from old age.
Joey is cranky and pissed that he has to go to the 6 o'clock Tae Kwon Do class because (cue the whiniest voice you can imagine) "I won't have any time to play after I do my homework and can't I go to the 8 o'clock class since tomorrow is an early release day." He was not at all happy when I reminded him that it was his choice to not go earlier in the week in favor of today's class and he had to go. He's whined, complained, copped an attitude, and then totally denied doing so. He's been near tears three times in the past half an hour. Can we say early bed time?
Marty had to be called home right after he went to his friend's house because he walked out without giving the dogs water (his weekly chore). I asked him what he thought the dogs were suppose to do and he replied "I don't know." I told him either he could come home and do it or, if I did it, there would be other consequences.
According to Joey and Marty, they never roll their eyes or raise their voices or do anything else wrong when they talk to me. I guess I may have to start recording our conversations.
Gabe also decided to be pissed off at me because I can't miraculously divine the last name and phone number of his friend from school that he wants to invite over. Somehow, promising him I will get a note to his friend's mom tomorrow isn't sufficient.
When we got home from picking up Joey from school, I was waiting to pull into our driveway as Gabe and Joey wheeled garbage and recycling cans up the driveway. An asshat who couldn't see or didn't care that I was waiting for the kids pulled up behind me and yelled rude shit out his window. ARRRRGH
And, to add to the annoyance factor, the stupid credit union's computer system is down and I can't access our account to see if the insurance money is in there yet.
Today has been a royal pain in my ass.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
My love affair with John S. Barrowman
I first discovered John S. Barrowman in his role of Captain Jack Harkness, a bisexual intergalactic con man, on Dr. Who and followed him as John S. Barrowman 's Captain Jack became the hero of Torchwood. Johnny boy made the screen sizzle as Captain Jack...oh man, did he make me melt with those gorgeous eyes. So, I had to check out John S. Barrowman's Wikipeida page and John S. Barrowman's official web site and especially John S. Barrowman's take on Beyonce's Single Ladies
It was after my first exposure to John S. Barrowman that our love affair began. I wrote about the eye candy appeal of John S. Barrowman and mentioned the feelings I had for John S. Barrowman not once but twice. Sadly, the burgeoning love affair had to be kept somewhat secret because John S. Barrowman married his partner Scott Gill in December 2006.
It wouldn't do for people to know about our love affair when John S. Barrowman became such a public spokesman for the gay community with John S. Barrowman video The Making of Me.
Not only is my honey, John S. Barrowman, incredibly yummy but he has a great sense of humor too. Check out John S. Barrowman and Simon Anstell in The Gay-Off...too funny!
What more could a woman want in a tv fantasy love like John S. Barrowman? He has it all...the body, the sizzle, the humor, and the loyalty to a cause.
I have to scream our love to the world... JOHN S. BARROWMAN IS MY ...oops, shhh, he's knocking at my door now. Pictures and details to come later.
Prank that google.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Random updates and requests...
My best friend and sister by choice might be buying a townhouse only a mile from my house. I am so excited. It was the first townhouse she looked at. I told her that she bought the first car she drove, why not buy the first house she looks at. Do you think that's a valid argument? ROFL
My sister's doggie has cancer. They found a big ole tumor right next to her dog's heart. Her doggie doesn't have long...sigh. Can you please keep her in your thoughts and prayers? Her dog, Asia, has been with her almost 10 years and has seen her through some very dark times in the past.
Gabe has been sick...fever and sniffly nose. Poor kiddo fell asleep in front of the tv last night while eating dinner. Luckily, he is much better today although his voice still sounds very husky.

I found a giveaway that feeds a semi-secret passion of mine. I adore horses and am a somewhat avid follower of horse racing and the history of it. Over on the blog Cakeblast, there is a giveaway for apparel from the upcoming Disney movie Secretariat. I really want to go see the movie and I desperately want the shirts and hat.
I'm going to try and have the commercial site for Cuppa Joe Designs up by the end of October. Wish me luck.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Not your Daddy's Business Cards

Giveaway Prize: 250 Die Cut Business Cards for One (1) Winner
- Size Options: 2 x 3.5”, 2 x 2” (square card) or 1.75 x 3.5” (slim card)
- Die cutting options available: Rounded Corners, Leaf, Rounded One-Corner, Half-Circle Side, Circle
- Paper Type: 14pt Cardstock Gloss, Matte, or High Gloss; 13pt Cardstock Uncoated
- Color: 4Color Front, Blank Back; 4Color Front, Black Back; 4Color Both Sides
Eligibility: Limited to US Residents,18 yrs old or older.
Entering this giveway is simple but remember that EACH CHANCE REQUIRES A SEPARATE RESPONSE. What do you have to do to enter...
- REQUIRED: tell me what you want to use your business cards for (and, yeah, the old miniature paper airplane option is open)
- Follow my blog via Google Friends Connect
- Follow me on Twitter and tell me your twitter name
- Follow uPrinting on Twitter and tell me your twitter name
- Follow Giveaway Blogs on Twitter and tell me your twitter name
- Tweet this giveaway and provide me the link to your tweet(can use this entry once a day) . Tweet example: Win 250 die-cut business cards from @dragondream , @uPrinting , & @Giveaway_blogs http://bit.ly/bAoC3B Entries close on 9/19 #giveaway
Perfect Moment Monday Part II: the phone call
I was sitting here getting a few things done while Joey was doing his homework. The phone rang and I recognized the number as the school office line. Why are they calling? What could they need? I picked it up and this is what I heard...
Hi Mrs. Cruz. This is S. Gray, Joey's teacher. I was just calling because I wanted to brag on Joey. We were talking about rocks and minerals today and he had so much to contribute and so much outside knowledge. I was really impressed. I just wanted to share that with you. I hope Joey is having a great start to the school year. I really enjoy having him in my class.What a wonderful surprise. It's always nice to have someone compliment you on your kiddo but it's even nicer that his teacher took a moment out of her very busy day to make sure we knew about it too. It really makes you feel good like you are doing something right with your kids.
Go check out the other perfect moments at this week's Perfect Moment Monday on Weebles Wobblog.
Perfect Moment Monday: my monkey boys
This weekend I got to watch my monkey boys develop physical skills that they hadn't mastered before and they had a hell of a good time doing it. Do you remember when I told you guys about Joey and spider walking? Well, Gabe still isn't tall enough to go up the sides of the hall like that but he is tall enough to scale a doorway.

Go check out the other perfect moments at this week's Perfect Moment Monday on Weebles Wobblog.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Blessed are the atheists...
*Please don't think I discriminate against anyone because of their beliefs or lack of beliefs. This post was shared on facebook and I unintentionally offended a dear friend (and please do not criticize her for her reaction). One of my dearest friends from college is an atheist and he thought this was funny so I really didn't think it would bother anyone.
My hubby found this joke on the WRAL channel 5 GOLO (go local) blogs. I thought is was funny as hell and had to share it with y'all.Blessed are the atheists...
As he continued walking alongside the river he heard a rustling in the bushes. Turning to look, he saw a 7 foot grizzly charging towards him. He ran as fast as he could up the path.
Looking over his shoulder he saw that the bear was closing in on him. His heart was pumping frantically and he tried to run even faster. He tripped and fell on the ground.
He rolled over to pick himself up but saw the bear raising his paw to take a swipe at him.
At that instant the Atheist cried out: "Oh my God!..." Time stopped. The bear froze. The forest was silent.
It was then that a bright light shone upon the man and a voice came out of the sky saying, "You deny my existence for all of these years, teach others that I don't exist and even credit creation to a cosmic accident. Do you expect me to help you out of this predicament? Am I to count you as a believer?"
The atheist looked directly into the light, "It would be hypocritical of me to suddenly ask you to treat me as a Christian now, but perhaps, could you make the BEAR a Christian?"
"Very well," said the voice. The light went out. And the sounds of the forest resumed.
The bear lowered his paw, bowed his head and spoke,"Lord, bless this food which I am about to receive and for which I am truly thankful."Saturday, September 11, 2010
I'm not going to sit here and argue about the war with you. I do believe the war against terror is a valid and needed war but I believe it has been grossly mismanaged and there have been many lives lost due to that mismanagement (think Vietnam). When decorated veterans like my FIL (before his death) and my father, sit around and shake their heads and comment on how the politicians never ever learn lessons when it comes to warfare, when they say that we've lost the fight because we aren't allowing our soldiers to truly fight, well, at that point, I think we can all agree that the train has left the tracks.
No, what I want to talk about today are a few incidents that are loosely tied to the 9/11 attacks...the threatened Quran (or whatever spelling you chose) burnings, the attack on the Mosque site in Tennessee, and the proposed Mosque/Community center across from Ground Zero. First of all, the right to build a Mosque/Community center directly across from Ground Zero is protected by law. If that group is granted a contract, lease, whatever that says they own the property or have leased it to use at their discretion, we MUST allow it to happen. However, there is nothing to prevent us from responding in a uniquely American form of protest. Since the Muslim group that is planning to build that Mosque/Community center says they are trying to foster understanding and a tolerance of diversity (strong American ideals) by building there, I say we should all support Greg Gutfield's idea of building a club that caters to young Muslim homosexuals next to the Mosque/Community center. After all, what better way to encourage the Muslim community to overcome their long held vilification of homosexuality than by exposing them continually to that very group in a club that accommodates the Islamic ban on alcohol. Furthermore, I think we should encourage this Muslim group to accept American ideals and diversity by building a Southern barbeque joint on the other side of their Mosque/Community center. After all, we aren't demanding that they eat there. We are simply bombarding them with the wafting smells of deliciousness and the ever present pictures of pigs in an effort to change their minds. See, when American's are faced with the thoughtlessness and total disrespect of a group wanting to build a Mosque/Community center across from Ground Zero, we have a tendency to want to respond in kind. And, yeah, I know answering one wrong with another isn't acceptable. However, since we've established that there was nothing but goodness and light in their hearts when they picked the location, I think we can trust them to understand we have the same good intentions present in us. While we are at it, I think we need a Catholic youth center, a Jewish community center, and maybe a Southern Baptist church right there too. Diversity and understanding for all!
As for the destruction of the mosque site in Tennessee and the proposed Quran burning in Florida, those are reprehensible acts committed/proposed by narrow minded, disrespectful bigots and I think those individuals are the antithesis of what we as Americans should stand for. Hell, the so-called pastor in Florida now claims "will 'not today, not ever' burn a Quran" and it was just his way of exposing a radical sect of Islam. That is the stoopidest damned excuse I've ever heard. Burning or threatening to burn the holy book of one of the largest religions in the world is a shitty thing to do. You are attacking and offending all groups in this religion, not only the so-called radical sects with threats like that. Terry Jones needs to grow up and lead his flock by example not through asinine behavior.
Today should be a day dedicated to remembering the heroes and victims of 9/11 not a day for dealing with assholes.
Friday, September 10, 2010
All the Small Things (baby pic included)

Thursday, September 09, 2010
Things Kids Don't Learn in School...
Rule 1: Life is not fair - get used to it!
Rule 2: The world doesn't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.
Rule 3: You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school. You won't be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both.
Rule 4: If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss.
Rule 5: Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping: they called it opportunity.
Rule 6: If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.
Rule 7: Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you thought you were. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent's generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.
Rule 8: Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life HAS NOT. In some schools, they have abolished failing grades and they'll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.
Rule 9: Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you FIND YOURSELF. Do that on your own time.
Rule 10: Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.
Rule 11: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.
What rules would you add to this? They can be rules aimed at adults or kids.
She needs our prayers...
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Things that make you go hmmmmmm

I know you have to be scratching your head and wondering what could possibly be so interesting about a little bitty spot that doesn't even seem that impressive in this picture. I'm sure you're thinking "Doesn't she know every house with kids has spots on the wall?" (Shhhhhh, if it's not true, don't tell me. Allow me to cling to my delusion) Well my friends, let me show you a little bit more of a close up. I know you won't be able to rest until I put your curiosity to rest.

two pieces of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. If the whole situation wasn't weird enough, my hubby was watching a show about UFOs and possible alien visitation (he likes weird geeky stuff like that) while we made these discoveries. I have officially dubbed this the Macaroni Mystery.
Thoughtful Tuesday: Rockin' My Babies
JJ would love it if we joined her. One day a week. One thing. It can take 15 seconds or 4 hours. Don't you feel better when you are able to notice the pretty things in life? Leave a comment on her blog, or share it in your own space, and enjoy being thoughtful...in more ways than one!
My boys are all definitely beyond the baby stage. They are 13, 9, and 4. Yet, like any parent knows, they will always be my babies. I watch them in amazement and just thrill in their independence. Yet, the sentimental part of me is so very glad they still need me. They need me when something upsets them. They need me when they are confused by life. The need that touches my heart the most is that they all still want and need me to hold and snuggle and cuddle them when they don't feel good. When my 13 yr old wasn't feeling good a few weeks ago, he sat in my lap, laid his head on my shoulder, and tuned out the world. My arm went numb and my knee started to hurt but that time reassured me that the little one who needed me so much is still buried under the grown up, independent kid I see every day. Someday, my boys will simply be too big to cuddle in my lap but, until then, I am very thankful for those moments.
Head on over to JJ's know and check out this week's Thoughtful Tuesday.
Monday, September 06, 2010
Perfect Moment Monday: Swim Time
For most of us, Labor Day weekend marks the end of summer even though the calendar claims fall doesn't start until September 23 this year. The weather was PERFECT...temps were only in the 80s...and we had a weekend filled with swim time and family. On Saturday, we decided to get in a pool trip (possibly the last of the summer). When we got there, we realized it was the end of summer pool party. There were burgers, hot dogs, icees, music, a bu=ounce house, and the pool. The kids had so much fun. It was awesome. On Sunday, the kids, Jennifer and I headed down to my parents' house. We took a picnic lunch to the Cliffs of the Neuse state park, swam in the lake, the older kids and my mom when paddle boating, and just had a wonderful day. The only thing that would have made the weekend even more perfect is if Vic hadn't had to work and if he was able to join us.
Go check out the other perfect moments at this week's Perfect Moment Monday on Weebles Wobblog.
Saturday, September 04, 2010
It makes me cry
I immediately felt tears starting to come. This got me started thinking about songs that really seem to touch an emotional cord in me. I think this is such a pure and beautiful version of this song but it will always make me cry because the very first time I heard it was back on the TV show ER when the character Dr. Mark Greene died. I sat and bawled (so sue me, tv shows can make me cry) during the entire scene.
The other song that always makes me cry does so for a much more personal reason. Hearing Amazing Grace on the bagpipes always, always makes me cry.
What songs trigger strong responses from you and why? I'd love to hear about it.
Friday, September 03, 2010

Now, head on over to Calli's y'all and check out everyone's photos this week...and, break out those cameras and participate next week.
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Randoms from my life
*I took my bestest friend to the hospital today because she needed to have a minor procedure done. We did the same thing about a year ago. Last year, the nurse mistook us for a lesbian couple. This year, a nurse claimed we must be sisters because we look a little alike (we don't). I'm not sure which amuses me more.*I was asked by one of the nurses at the hospital if it took a lot of courage to dye my hair purple. I thought about it for a split second and said "You know, not really. I've reached the point where I don't really care what people think about me. If I like it, it's all good. Besides that, it's only hair. If I don't like it, it will grow out." She seemed a bit surprised.
*Gabe already has a friend at pre-school. His name is Travis. I think Travis and Gabe are kindred spirits. They were calling each other bad boy and laughing hysterically.
*My friend Kristi is starting a blog titled Shit my Dad says has NOTHING on shit my Mom does(I'll let you know when she gets her first post up)(wink, wink, nudge, nudge Kristi). I've know Kristi forever. She introduced my husband and me. It dawned on me this evening that she would LOVE going to BlogHer next summer so I called her up. I had to call her right then because, if I don't do it when I think about it, it doesn't end up happening. Not only did she love the idea, she loved it enough that she hopped online and made our hotel reservations. So, I guess that means I'm going to BlogHer11...woohoooo.
*I just found out that one of my first bloggy friends in the ALI community has made a raging success of the business she and her husband started. It's called KangarooBoo and their slogan says they sell "unique, wooden, handmade baby toys and smart children's products."

*Can anyone explain to me why they do not offer these socks in adult sizes?

*Migraines suck (Thanks Hurricane Earl) and UTIs suck. Both in the same week are karmic injustice.
*Why oh why do news stations send people out to stand in the middle of a hurricane when everyone else is being told to evacuate? Makes no frakking sense to me. Also, do those reporters get hazard pay?
*You know school is going to be interesting when, after the first day, part of the monologue about the activities includes "We also played with the trains. Travis took my trains so I hit him." Luckily, the teacher handled it well.
*I found out that (with the help of a family friend and with a little remodeling) I can move my washer and dryer out of the closet (off my kitchen) with the accordion doors and into the third bathroom off of the den. We don't use this bathroom because of problems with the toilet and this move will free up that big closet for kitchen storage. Our friend says the total cost shouldn't be more than $150.
What's going on in your life?
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Is this my last first?
It's been so long since we thought about trying for a final child...maybe not that long in the grand scheme of things but long in terms of reproductive life. I'm 40 (soon to be 41) and my hubby just turned 51. If we had another baby, I would be nearly 60 and Vic would be pushing 70 before that child would be almost on his own. I'm not sure I really want to go there. We are at the stage that life with the kids is starting to get easier in many ways. Hell, life with kids is never completely easy but, next year, all three would be in school full time. I might actually be able to reclaim my house (HAH, like that will ever happen). But, then I see a picture or meet a friend's child and I think "what if?"
Sigh, I'm not sure I'm quite ready for these firsts to also be lasts but it looks like it's moving that way.