let's go, go , go. Yeah, I know that isn't quite how it works but that's my version today. And, the reason that is my version for today is I have 3, yes 3, giveaways (one paired with a review) that start right now and run through 11:59 pm on the 27th...winners announced on the 28th.
#1...When I was at BlogHer10 , the lovely people from Pressman Games had a table in ye old swag hall. They were asking people if they would be willing to try out and review one or more of their games. When I realized one of the games up for review was
Mastermind, well I jumped at the chance. In interest of full disclosure (THIS IS FOR YOU FCC), I received a copy of the game and agreed to give it an honest review. I have fond memories of playing Mastermind against my sisters, my parents, and my grandpa when I was growing up and was hoping my boys would enjoy it too. I have to say that even I was pleasantly surprised at just how big a hit it was with my kids. Marty, my 13 yr old, is a certified video game addict and he thoroughly enjoyed the game and has even requested to play it a number of times since. Joey, 9 yrs old, also really enjoyed the game. It seemed to really encourage critical thinking and helped them to learn to analyze patterns by comparing the consecutive guesses and results. This is a huge bonus in my book...a game that not only is fun but encourages them to stretch a bit intellectually. The fabulous folks at Pressman Games have agreed to provide one copy of this game to one of my readers. Entry details at the end of this post.
The next two giveaways are available to y'all out of the goodness of my heart (hear that FCC...no one gave me anything for this).
#2...The lovely ladies over at
Two Hot Mamas have written a cute little rhyming book called
City Life. Their site says "
City Life is the first collaborative project between Jeannelle Ferreira and J. Cecelia Haytko, begun when Jeannelle and her wife searched for more inclusive literature for their children.
A simple rhyming picture book, appropriate for toddlers through young children, City Life chronicles a day’s adventures of a young child with two moms."
Gabe and I have read this book and he really seemed to like it. It is a great beginning reader book. The rhymes make it fun to read and the pictures are adorable. I think Gabe is going to have it memorized in no time at all. I have my own copy in my hot hands and I have a SIGNED copy for one lucky blog reader. Entry details at the end of the post.
#3...Finally, not too long ago I got a chance to review a copy of
The House on Teacher's Lane by Rachel Simon. I was provided a copy of the book when I reviewed it and I absolutely fell in love with the book. It is incredible (go read
my review if you don't believe me). In fact, I loved the book so much that I want to give a SIGNED copy to one of my readers. I contacted Ms. Simon and she has agreed to sign a copy of the book I purchase and mail it out to the winner. This is one of the best books I have read in a very long time and y'all need to read it. So, ENTER.
HOW TO ENTER...you can enter twice daily between now and the 27th. All you have to do for the first entry of the day is tell me which prize is your first choice (COMMENT #1) and, for the second entry, tell me if you have a second choice (COMMENT #2). One comment = one entry. You must comment twice to get two entries. You can copy and paste your comments on subsequent days for subsequent entries. Just remember 1 comment = 1 entry.
Now enter and win!
First choice = #3.
Second choice = #2
I'm annoying, I put my choice then changed my mind... so let's try this again...
First choice #3 ;) Final answer.
Second choice... #1
(I've never heard of or played Mastermind; it looks interesting.)
First Choice #1 because M and I love games.
Second choice #3 because I love a good book and you have great recommendations.
Um like yes I totally want to win the Mastermind game! I was waiting on one in target to go on sale :)
And prize #3 is my other one. Thanks for sharing the loot :)
I hope you get lots of people in the giveaway!
Ooh, ooh...I love your giveaways :D
First choice = #1 (The Hubs and I are constantly finding new games to play...we love them!)
Second choice = #3 (You know what a book fanatic I am :D)
First chioce #1
Second coice #3
I love the game mastermind...I haven't played it in years!
To answer your question (which thank you for stopping by my blog) about how I make a post sticky.
Once it's posted with today's date, I go in and change the date to whatever date I want, then click publish and voila!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love Harry Potter too and I actually just wrote a little thing about it in my recent entry. :D
Also, thanks for offering to help fix my header text! I would be very grateful if you could try it out. What do I need to do?
First Choice #1 because M and I love games.
Second choice #3 because I love a good book and you have great recommendations.
First choice: #2
Second choice: #3
First choice #2
ICLW #49
Second choice #1
ICLW #49
First Choice #1 because M and I love games.
Second choice #3 because I love a good book and you have great recommendations.
First coice #1
First coice #3
First Choice #1 because M and I love games.
Second choice #3 because I love a good book and you have great recommendations.
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