Dear Mr. Bunny,
I know its hard to resist temptation. And, I did plant all those lovely plants out there in what you consider Bunnyland. I am so glad you approve of the types of vegetables I planted in my garden. I think they look pretty yummy too. But, damn it, those vegetables are for ME! Get out of my garden.
Sincerely, Kristin
PS...Mr. Bunny, since you seem to be a gardening expert, can you tell me how to tell if my green beans are ready to pick? The plants are still small but I have beans on them already.
awwww... but he is so cute!
Too cute! but I hope he decides to share your veggies with you.
ha ha!! I need to have that very talk with the field rabbits that come by the garden for a visit ;-)
HAHAHAHA! Damn rabbit! I hope he can at least answer your question for you, sheesh!
I saw that bunny in my garden yesterday! Well...not the same bunny, but I hope he got the message!
See and since he's not in my yard I think it's cute. My cousin always had much stronger words for the dear that ransacked her yard every year.
lol, awww Mr. Bunny is cute though!
cute bunny but, i agree! leave the beans alone :)
We had to put a fence around our garden too. Not because of a bunny, but a Roxy. However, thanks to the rain, we have a lot of grass growing w/ the garden. We have tomatoes,squash,green beans, pumpkins, watermelons, cantolupes and carrots. Maybe we will actually get to eat some if we get the chance. Love you. Miss you. Take care and God Bless.
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