"Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing. " -Helen Keller

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Things I Believe In

I believe that last night at 11:55 pm, a truly historic moment occurred. Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a bill into law that legalized gay marriage. Sure, other states have approved gay marriage but the sheer influence of New York makes this an incredibly important day in the fight for equality.
Thanks to It's ok to be Takei for the photo from their Facebook wall
I believe this was a truly wonderful site...not just for the sheer beauty but for what it represented...
Thanks to Think Progress for the photo on their Facebook wall
I believe my dear thugette Kym had it right when she said "Yay, New York! Now work on lifting the surrogacy ban to make it a little easier for the future new husbands to build their families!"

I believe that no matter what our infertility experience is, we need to band together and fight to decriminalize surrogacy in Arizona, Michigan, New York, Utah, Washington State, and Washington, DC. How dare the government try and tell us this is not a legitimate way to build a family.

I believe my home state of North Carolina's nullification of state Sen. Julie Boseman's adoption of her partner Melissa Jarrell's son is shameful and cowardly. It sets a dangerous precedent.

I believe that if insurance companies are going to cover birth control and erectile dysfunction drugs it is morally wrong to not offer infertility coverage.

I believe in the freedom to choose...to choose your partner, to choose your religion, to chose your political affiliation, and, if necessary, to chose abortion. Yes, I am an infertility survivor. Yes, I have lost many, many pregnancies. But, I have experienced pre-eclampsia and I have friends who would have died if pregnancy termination was not legal.

I believe in freedom of speech. For example, I find the Westboro Baptist Church morally reprehensible and I think they give Christians and organized religion a bad name. However, I believe that, under our Constitution, they have a right to say what they say and protest the way they do.

I believe in State's rights and following our Constitution (which I do not believe is a living document...that's what the amendments are for).

What do you believe it?

Please keep this discussion civilized. Feel free to disagree but don't call names.


JW Moxie said...

Naturally, I believe in all that you do. The vile Westboro Baptist Church was here in the Savannah area a couple of months ago. Thankfully, it seemed that no one gave a flip enough about them either way to pay too much attention to them. Disgusting, but believe in their right to openly express their opinions, no matter how backwards they might be.

Anonymous said...

I was just as ecstatic as you were when this decision came through! I have two close friends, each of them happily with their partners for years, that are going through the process of egg donors and surrogacy, and they have to spend tens of thousands of dollars and fly all over the world to make it happen. Also, my best friend in the world is a US citizen and a resident of NY and his partner of 11 years is going through an immigration nightmare so they can stay together. I truly believe that the fight for equal rights, whether it is same-sex marriage, or reproductive rights for any woman, is critical and in the best interest of everyone. I can't help but think of the poem "first they came for the Jews". We have to fight for the rights of everyone, in order to ensure that those rights stay in place for us. It baffles me how some lawmakers in the states forget that so easily...

Babylicious said...

I love when decisions get made that further the equality of all people. While I personally was ecstatic with NY's law, I know some people aren't. But, regardless of belief, you have to support the rights of everyone.


Beautiful Mess said...

I still get all choked up when I think about telling Zilla about New York and his response. I know it's silly, but hopefully that one little 7 year old can change a few minds one day, who knows!

I agree with you and Kym...Yay, New York!

Quiet Dreams said...

I believe that these changes (equal marriage rights in NY) are a step in the right direction. Coming from a veeeeery red state, I believe it will take a while to get these changes across the board. Thanks for this post, Kristin.

Jo said...

Let's hear it for equality, in all shapes and forms. This is a very positive step in the right direction....but there is still much work to be done.

Justine L said...

I believe in love, of which equality is a part :) Then again, I'm UU ... that pretty much is our number one principle. :)

Gina said...

I heart NY! ;)

battynurse said...

Great post. I believe in many of the same things you mentioned. And some days I don't know what I believe in. I just know that it has to be far different from the "beliefs" that were pounded into me as a child.

Kakunaa said...

You and I are very much on the same page my friend. I was thrilled to hear this decision made. And I can only pray people continue to support equal rights for all!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for this post. Definitely this is worth celebrating! And we should also remember the people who were fighting for AIDS research and LGBT rights in the streets 25 years ago, not just the politicians who are using this issue to get progressive credibility!

I agree we should expand the fight for reproductive justice to include these sorts of services for people who need them!

tracey said...

HI. I'm Tracey from ICLW #118 and I too am an infertility survivor and I now blog for my old RE. I love your photo of the ESB lit up in rainbow lights. I am in NY and it was very exciting to be here in the middle of such big news. In fact I blogged on it today too! Can't wait for the weddings...my gay friends have so much more style than my straight friends! lol

BreAnna said...

I'm all about marriage equality as well as more rights for people expanding their families through surrogacy or adoption. :)

Anonymous said...

you said it so well! I hope that more states follow this and this is the gateway for more positive legislature!