Vic came home from work with the coolest thing the other day. Vic's dispatching partner evidently likes to sketch when things are slow and he draws some kick ass caricatures. Mike sketched an awesome caricature of Vic. It was done on lined paper so I used my photo editing program to get rid of the lines but, other than that, this sketch is exactly as Mike drew it. BTW, that band over the head and thing in front of Vic's face are parts of the headset he uses at work. The picture is clickable so you can see a bigger version of it.

I know if y'all are like me, gas prices are decimating your monthly budget. If you have a Kroger Plus card to help save money on groceries, it can save you money on gas too. Kroger and Shell have teamed up to get us a discount on gas prices and you can check out the details on the Shell web site.
I'm going to my crafting group today. Hopefully, I will have a quilt update/pictures from Sheila to share with you later.
I need to start exercising regularly. Anyone want to be the person to crack the whip until I get myself into a regular habit?
Sometimes, I think my procrastination habit has seriously hindered me. I have so many fabulous ideas that I mean to get to later and sometimes later never seems to come. I think I'm doing myself a disservice by not getting my ass in gear.
So, what's your take on the Charlie Sheen train wreck. Are you thoroughly sick of it or are you perversely fascinated by the train wreck or, are you like me and wondering where the hell you can get some of that high powered tiger blood? Bwahahaha
Did you know today is International Women's Day? Today, Egyptian women are taking the revolutionary step (for them) of marching to protest the fact that the new Prime Minister only appointed one woman to his cabinet (read the full story). Dame Judy Dench (as M) and Daniel Craig (as Bond) put out this video...
What randomness is on your mind?
oh man, I'm so far behind...what happened with Charlie Sheen lol? Random random.....Bean's fever is gone, I'm almost done with this wedding, Lizzie got chip-in for Cranes4aCure, very cool pic of Vic, I need to exercise as well.
Love that video.
I haven't heard much about the Charlie Sheen stuff except that he's nutso and about the tiger blood thing. Since I canceled my cable, I've been sorely out of the loop about... well, everything. Don't even see movie previews for new releases now. Went to look at what's playing last night, and sat the whole time saying "I don't recognize any of these names," then watching previews on youtube. LOL Umm, yeah, went off on a tangent. Charlie Sheen... can't comment so much. Is this just something about celebs that have been in the buisness for so long, so many seem to end up going nutso and making insane rants or doing obscene stuff.
The caricature is cute :)
My randomness... feeling anxious for tomorrow after playing a trick on a colleauge by putting his car up for sale on an online website, he has been receiving a mountain of phone calls enquiring as to the sale and he's worked out it was me who was the prankster, so I know I'm going to be in big trouble tomorrow when he figures out a way to prank me back. All very childish no doubt!
Love the video... hadn't seen it before. With you on procrastinating... wish I didn't do it either. Love randomness :)) xo
--AWESOME sketch of Vic, how cool!
--I miss Kroger! LOVED Kroger and shopped there religiously when I lived in Ohio, but they don't have Kroger's here in Florida. Sighs.
--Does your crafting group meet weekly? I think it is awesome you're part of a group devoted to crafts...I may need to steal this idea. :)
--I've managed to stay mostly out of the Charlie Sheen news. Though I do think it is sad for his co-stars and the employees from the show to not be able to finish the season/series.
I love caricatures!
As for Charlie Sheen - he is the new Mel Gibson of the hour. Blah blah blah. The thing is, if he is in fact mentally ill, it bothers me that he is being ridiculed.
Anywho, can't wait to see quilt updates. And btw, you do sooooo much, I simply can't believe you would berate yourself for being lazy! Now me...Oh, man, queen of unfinished and unstarted ideas. LOL.
That caricature is awesome. I don’t know what to say about Charlie Sheen, but I don’t think it was the right thing to do. I mean I heard something like he was talking bad stuff about his network in every interview he gave, plus he asked a raise from $2 million per episode to $3 million. That’s just not right.
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