"Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing. " -Helen Keller

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Fuck Cancer

Can I just say that cancer sucks? A dear friend is back on chemo because of mets to her bones. It's hugely fucking unfair that she beats her original prognosis only to have it rear it's head this way.

And, I just found out yesterday that a family friend, someone who frequently spends holidays with my family, has pancreatic cancer. Even at it's best (stage 1), this doesn't have a great outcome...and she has a 14 yr old daughter. 


ps...I'm sorry if you aren't in a place where you wanted to read a mini-rant.  This truly isn't what I sat down to write but it's what came out.


The Blessed Barrenness said...

I'm so sorry Kris! Cancer is a cruel disease, it strikes so randomly and you can never really be sure if you're free of it.

..al said...

I am so sorry to hear that...for both your friend as well as family member.

When I was in the hospital and Lola was not in sight, I kept saying - Till there is life, there is hope.

I hope that they have a loooooooooooong stint of hope in front of them.

Hoping they beat it.

ColourYourWorld said...

I am sorry. Fuck cancer indeed!!!!

AnotherDreamer said...

Damn cancer! Ugh. So sorry Kristin :( My thoughts are with them.

Alana said...

I've lost many family members to cancer, so I'm with you. SO sorry you and your loved ones are experiencing this awful disease.

Kira said...

I'm so sorry. My grandpa had stomach cancer, and just the other year my own father had cancer removed from his liver. I've known a teenager battle leukemia, and a coworker battle breast cancer. Prayers going to you and your loved ones during this time.

Barb said...

I'm so sorry Kristin. And I so agree.

Quiet Dreams said...

I'm so sorry, Kristin. Indeed, fuck it.

battynurse said...

That fucking sucks. I'm so sorry. Thinking of you and your friends.