My sun baked brain refuses to come up with a suitable blog topic. Seriously, Gabe and I spent 5+ hours at the pool today with my dear sister/friend Rys and her kids. It was a godsend because Gabe has been much needier and demanding with Joey away at camp. I don't think I realized just what a good job Joey does keeping Gabe occupied. But, those 5+ hours in the sun have fried my brain cells and they refuse to function.
I've also realized that spending so many hours outdoors is seriously detrimental to my desire to cook or even eat a decent meal. I started thinking and said "Hmmm, Vic cooked ribs last night. Ribs could be our protein....and, ICE CREAM...yeah, that sounds like a fab idea. Ice Cream will provide dairy and, if I make banana splits, then the kids also get fruit (bananas and cherries). Hey, doesn't chocolate (hot fudge) come from a bean. That counts as a vegetable." So, ribs...just ribs... for dinner and banana splits for dessert. Guess it's a damn good thing I rarely spend 5+ hours straight in the pool, in the sun, in 95+ degree weather.
Come on, help me out here. Someone else please fess up to doing something like this at least once in your life. Help a sister out, won't you?