"Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing. " -Helen Keller

Thursday, April 28, 2011

X is for XStitch

or more specifically cross stitch. I learned to cross stitch in college. I think it was my sophomore year. There were a bunch of people in my dorm who stitched and one of my friends offered to teach me. Of course, I could line up all the people in my dorm who stitched and you would never, ever guess who taught me. Bobby was this big burly guy...half Japanese. He had the build of a football player (a little short though), somehow managed to get the university to allow him to keep two katanas over his bed, and he stitched the most beautiful things.

I quickly fell in love with stitching and my interest just grew and grew. I always have had the tendency to put my own spin on pieces I've stitched. I changed colors, altered design parts to make it into something I liked more, and eventually started designing my own pieces. Here are a few of the pieces I've done over the years (all pics are clickable for close up viewing)...
my house
mail art I designed...and, yes, I did send this through the mail


Meari said...

That's how we "met"... through that stitching board. :) It's great you had real people to share your intro to xs. I learned on my own and it wasn't until I found online stitching groups that I had people who shared my hobby.

_ said...

I love all the items you've created the years. Sure wish I had that talent. I'm much better at following a pattern. And one of these days, I'm actually going to drag a pattern back out to work on.

Stacie said...

I actually like to xstitch too. I used to do it a lot before I got married. I need to find my stuff and try to get back into it. I really did enjoy it!

Alex said...

I'm so impressed with your designing skills. I love cross-stitching! I'm currently working on a huge project, for over a year now. I love it! But there's no way I could figure out how to design anything!

battynurse said...

Very nice. I used to do a lot of cross stitch, the funny thing is that I kept very little of it. Except for the 3 or so partially finished pieces I still have anyways.

Quiet Dreams said...

I love the one of your house. I'd love to do one of the house I grew up in for my mom someday.