"Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing. " -Helen Keller

Friday, February 04, 2011

Money Comes, Money Goes

We got our state tax return yesterday and our federal one came in this morning. Needless to say, I went shopping today. I scored some incredible deals today. Lowe's is delivering our beautiful new fridge tomorrow. We got the style I wanted (French doors, freezer on the bottom) but not either of the models I talked about before. Lowe's had a GE Profile floor model (last season's I think) and, because it was the floor model with one near invisible ding, I got it for about $900 below the cost which meant it was well within our budget. Woohooo for sales.
I also paid for Joey's big Spring field trip to Old Salem; paid for the next three months of Gabe's preschool, got a fabulous new combo microwave (since ours was making weird noises); bought 2 shirts, a Pooh Bear hoodie, and a pair of pants; and made a trip by Game Stop for Wii Fit, a new copy of Mario Kart Wii, and Donkey Kong Country Returns.

It kind of makes me a little panicky when I realize just how much I spent today but damn did it feel good while I was doing it. I keep reminding myself that the only real splurges in all this were Mario Kart Wii and Donkey Kong Country Returns. I shopped smart, got things on sale, and I will not let anything spoil the fun I had today.

So, what are y'all planning on getting or doing with your tax return?


Mrs. Gamgee said...

Isn't it frightening how easy it is to spend money? But it sounds like you had a great time and got good deals...

Our tax refund is going straight to the credit cards!

Mrs. Gamgee said...

btw, I'm drooling over your fridge!!

Kristi aka "Judy" said...

<3 the new fridge!

I don't have one of those this year (on either front) so I plan on getting drunk 4/14/11 before I write the checks to the IRS and state of NC.

AnotherDreamer said...

Awesome deal on the fridge!

Our refund isn't that much, and all going towards old medical debts. Although it will be a huge relief to have them paid off.

Jen said...

new windows lol. I went shopping today too! but it was for some much needed slacks (a size smaller whoohoo) so shoes and some lace (the kind you wear not sew with)

Lynn said...

Do not feel guilty for spending yoru money! I absolutely forbid it! You do so much and have had such a tough time, I think you deserve to spoil yourself a little. And I love that fridge!

We got our state return back today. It was a paltry amount, but we're making the most of it by going out to dinner and a movie tonight (which we do most week's but this week we don't touch our paychecks, yay!). Our federal should be back next Friday and I also have a financial aid refund coming in (should be next week). We're using the income tax refund to buy clothing for Vegas, get a digital camcorder and have a weekend in Savannah for Valentine's. And with the financial aid refund, I'll be purchasing books for my next few classes and (I'm splurging just a little) I'm getting myself a new laptop! (I'll leave the one I'm using now to The Hubs to have all to his lonesome.) My only dilemma now is what laptop to get.....

Lynn said...

Oh, and The Hubs and I are both purchasing gym memberships :D The rest (what little there will be) is going in savings.

MrsSpock said...

We have a similar fridge and love it!

We are paying off a chunk of our mortgage!

Colette S said...

Omgosh you went shopping! I have shopping envy right now! And after I bought my fridge, I thought to myself that your kind of fridge is the one I really wanted. I figured it would have more space!

Enjoy your goodies honey! Weeeee for you!

Kakunaa said...

That's soooo how we were when Hubby's settlement came in. SCARY! I had to stop looking at the register and just hand over the card.

We are hoping we don't owe this year, honestly. Sadly, that's our goal, LOL. Long story...

battynurse said...

Yay for sales. And yes I can spend a frightening amount of money very quickly.
As far as tax refunds? Pretty sure there won't be one this year.

Quiet Dreams said...

What a fantastic fridge! And yay for a good tax refund. I've ended up OWING money this year (not sure how that happened--first time ever).