Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder today. Mawage, that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam...Today, as even the most unobservant of us knows by now, was Valentine's Day...a celebration of romance and love. If you compared my day to a traditionally romantic Valentine's Day, most people would think it fell husband is at work, we didn't exchange gifts, all we did was say Happy Valentine's Day and I love you. But, to me, it was an absolutely perfect day because it was another day married to the love of my life.
With my husband's work schedule and our kids' activity schedules, we don't often get the time to go out just spend time alone...and that lack of time alone means we don't often get to make those grand romantic gestures. But, Vic shows me he loves me in the everyday things he does for me. Vic folds laundry. He does dishes. He cooks and cleans up. He does all these things because he says I do more than enough keeping up with the kids and their schedules.
Vic makes sure I have the more reliable of the two vehicles because he wants to make sure I'm safe. Vic tries to keep the kids occupied so I can sleep in on an occasional Saturday and, the past two years, he's taken part of his hard earned vacation so he can be home with the kids when I go off to BlogHer.
Everyday we are together, Vic shows me he loves me in a million little ways. To me, that is more romantic than a box of chocolates or a dozen roses.
Happy Valentine's Day sweetie. I love you more today than I did when we first said I do back in 1994. Mawage twuly is a bwessed awangement for us.
missusgamgee 50p · 684 weeks ago
Men like him are rare... :) Fortunately, I found one, too!
Suzy · 684 weeks ago