"Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing. " -Helen Keller

Friday, February 24, 2012

Short and Sweet

  • I had a fabulous time on the road trip with my mom.
  • I met Rachel Simon, Barbie Angell, John aka BlindTravel, and a few others. They were fabulous.
  • Every author out there needs to take a page out of Rachel's book and check out how she conducts her book signings. They are simply fabulous.
  • Loved seeing my sis and her family.
  • Was introduced to the wonders of IKEA. I bow before the IKEA altar now.
  • I have a very funny story about Maude (otherwise known as my parents' gps). The bitch was delusional, lying, or had been smoking crack.
  • I bought 4 copies of Rachel's book, The Story of Beautiful Girl. All books are signed and only 3 have homes. I'll be running a GIVEAWAY FOR A SIGNED COPY OF THE STORY OF BEAUTIFUL GIRL.
  • The weather was horrible on the trip home. Near the outskirts of Charlotte, there was an accident right near the beginning of the construction zone. We went about 2 miles in an hour.
  • We passed 5 accidents on the way home. 2 vehicles had gone head on into trees in the median. I hope and pray everyone got out in one piece.
Tell me how your day was...what did you do, who did you see, was it a good day.

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OMG... you poor thing! Never experiencing Ikea before now??? It's an addiction, just be warned. And apparently most men don't understand it. Every time we go to either Big City to the North, or Big City to the South, I HAVE TO go to Ikea, but my Beloved hates it with a passion. I drool over the kitchens and the sofas, and he complains of sore feet.

My day consisted of an OB appointment and waiting for a snowstorm that never materialized (it's here now).
I've never been to IKEA. I must be missing out. Glad you made it back safely! And glad the trip was great :)

My day has been exhausting, starting with calling the cops on a drunk at 3am and then dealing with a fussy Nombie the rest of the day. I'm looking forward to sleep tonight.
Battynurse's avatar

Battynurse · 683 weeks ago

Chuckling a bit about Maude. When I was in Denver I rented a gps and by the end of the first day I wanted to chuck it out the window. Due to road construction when I took the exit it told me to take it told me it was recalculating and turned me around taking me back to the airport. Then when I got near my hotel it was telling me to go left even though I could see the hotel on the right. I pretty much gave up on gps at that point.
IKEA! Yum! Welcome to your new addiction. Checked out Rachel's page, and, my oh my, does her book tour EVER take her everywhere! So glad you made it back from your trip in one piece....hoping all others did as well.

Today, I took my doxie on a 2 mile run while DH took the lab to the dog run. Then we cleaned house, then we went grocery shopping, then I started spaghetti sauce, and now DH is napping with the pups while I enjoy a cup of half n' half coffee and tap away on the Mac. *sigh* Happy Sunday!
I'm glad the trip was good!! I was on a road trip as well during Friday, going out to the western part of my state for a conference for my fraternity and then presenting a leadership workshop that night.

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