- The cookie cartel aka the Girl Scouts have my house under their thrall. We got our cookies the other night and my children (yeah, just my children, I'll stick with that story) have been inhaling them.
- Last night, Vic and I helped chaperone Marty's first military ball. It was held at the Matthews House (be warned, embedded music on the site but it gives you a gorgeous view of the house) in Cary, NC.
- I think that the military ball is the only place you will ever see a bunch of teens loudly cheer a clumsily executed (by their peers) waltz. What a truly fabulous group of kids.
- I think the force was at work last night or maybe it was just the repellant power of the adults in attendance. All the kids gravitated towards the dark side of the dance floor which just happened to be away from the chaperones' tables.
- Like father, like son...both of them over did it yesterday and have been paying the price with sore legs. Marty decided to try and outrun everybody during ROTC physical fitness yesterday despite the fact that he had only been off his cane since Sunday night and then he danced through the whole military ball. Vic decided to overdo the dancing, ignored his bad knee, and now he's paying for it.
- We all had a blast. It was so nice dressing up and going out with my husband and Marty looked so grown up in his uniform.
- Gabe fell asleep against Vic tonight and then Vic promptly fell asleep too. Doesn't matter how old they are, something about a child sleeping on you is the world's best sleeping pill.
- Today was a down day...a quiet day for the whole family. It was nice.
- Tomorrow, we are going out to eat for a family dinner. My parents and my sister are joining us at a restaurant so we can celebrate Marty's birthday.
- Speaking of Marty's birthday, he will be 15 on Monday. How in the hell did that happen? My baby is almost 15.
- On a less happy note, Joey's migraines seem to have gotten worse with puberty. We are definitely going to have to make a doctor's appointment for him about this.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
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Gabeycakes|Joey|Marty|random shit|Vic|
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bereavedandblessed 30p · 684 weeks ago
Glad you all had fun at Marty's Ball last night! Can't believe he's turning 15! Wow!
Sorry to hear about Joey's migraines.
I am doing well here, just fighting a bad cold and hope to feel better soon! :)
Emma · 684 weeks ago
We started a new school year five weeks ago, with all the extracurriculars that come too, so my life is a whirl of band and choir rehearsals, swimming lessons and Australian Rules football. I don't know whether I am coming or going.
Steadfast Warrior · 684 weeks ago
Let's see… waiting on our new washer, waiting on the bank, actually a whole lot of waiting. Though I have a bunch of writing and photo editing to keep me busy. :)
missusgamgee 50p · 684 weeks ago
I had grandiose plans for this weekend... plans to get some organizing done, and some deep cleaning. Sadly I got distracted by a Downton Abbey marathon, and my plans went out the window. Hoping that I can tackle the master bedroom closet today as it's the first step that needs to be done to get the ball rolling on my pre-Halfling to do list.
And I'll take some of those Girl Scout cookies off you, if you need to get rid of some ;) We don't live in a neighbourhood where the GS cookie cartel hits, and I miss them. (Not that I can/should eat them right now, but hey, they freeze really really well!)