Just yesterday, my family and I were happily planning on a weekend trip to Georgia. My Grandfather's unit from WWII is having a plaque dedicated at the military history museum and the last living member of the crew is going to be there. My whole family (even Vic was off work), my parents, and my niece were going to make the trip together.
Today, we are planning my brother-in-law's funeral. This morning, 1/9/12, at 9:49 am, my brother-in-law, Jose, was pronounced dead. After an almost 30 year battle with Muscular Dystrophy, his body was finally worn out and the battle was done.
Jose was an amazing man who spent the past 30 years beating the odds. When he was diagnosed with MD at the age of 18, the doctors didn't expect him to live too long. Making it past his mid-twenties was considered a long shot. Well, Jose rarely did what was expected of him. So, he thumbed his nose at the doctors, worked his ass off, and lived to be 49 years old.
Jose was just like all the Cruz males and he had a warped, twisted sense of humor. He was always entertaining to be around and my boys absolutely adored him. He introduced Marty to the online Kill the Teletubbies and the Kill Barney games and he always listened to the stories and tales the kids had to share. But, the Jose my kids grew to know was not the same Jose I met almost 20 years ago. As his body grew weaker, his character and personality grew stronger. A number of years ago (10 years I think), Jose went on a trip that turned into a journey of faith and of personal growth. About a year after he went on that trip, I told him that I use to say I loved him because he was my brother, but now I could say I loved him because he was a person I genuinely enjoyed spending time with. This was the man my children grew to know and the man they will miss desperately.
This weekend, on both Saturday and Sunday evening, I was over at my mother-in-law's house so I could help Jose and Vic's mom. On Saturday, purely by chance, I had Marty with me for the almost 2 hours I was there and he got to hang out and talk with the uncle he adored. And, last night, I had all three kids with me. They showed off there Christmas goodies, chattered about music, and had a great time with Jose. I am so very thankful they got to spend that time with him even if it does add to the whole unreal feeling Jose's death has invoked...less than 24 hours ago we were talking to him, hanging out with him, and now he's gone.
If there is someone you love, someone important to you, that you haven't talked to or seen in a while, call them, visit them as soon as you can because it can all change in the blink of an eye.
Good bye Jose. We love you and will miss you terribly.
Monday, January 09, 2012
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StacieT · 689 weeks ago
I am glad, however, that you and the boys got the chance to spend his last day with him. He knew your love for him. What a thing to treasure.
Much love to you all. I will be holding you and your family close to my heart.
Gaynor · 689 weeks ago
Miriam Pauline · 689 weeks ago
Praying for you and your family during this time of loss. ((hugs))
neeroc 35p · 689 weeks ago
missusgamgee 50p · 689 weeks ago
battynurse · 689 weeks ago
Are You Kidding Me? · 689 weeks ago
Suzy · 689 weeks ago
Thinking of you and your family during this time of sadness and loss.
Venessa · 689 weeks ago
I am so sorry for your families loss of such an amazing man. That last visit will be a treasure you hold dear for years to come. I had one similar with my aunt just days before she died not knowing that was to be the last time we would speak. Jose sounded like an amazing man that will be missed my many.
Lynn · 689 weeks ago
Lori Lavender Luz · 689 weeks ago
Hugs to you, and prayers for him.
Barb · 689 weeks ago
Holly · 689 weeks ago
Dora · 689 weeks ago
anotherdreamer · 689 weeks ago
becomingwhole 23p · 689 weeks ago
bean · 689 weeks ago
embracingtherain 19p · 689 weeks ago
Becky B · 688 weeks ago