Saturday, July 31, 2010
Three Awesome Giveaways
The second giveaway is being hosted by Erica over at Parenthood For Me. She is celebrating gaining her 400th follower. She is giving away a super cool Envirosax Bontanica bag, a set of Key Kaps, and a set of PFM black and white drawings on stationery notecards. Head on over to Erica's GIVEAWAY POST and enter.
The third giveaway is being hosted by Colette at JamericanSpice. Thanks to the generosity of the folks at Rubbermaid, she got to review and giveaway a Rubbermaid Reveal Mop. This sounds like the perfect tool to make cleaning floors easier. Head on over to her GIVEAWAY POST and enter.
All these lovely ladies have fabulous blogs and you should read them even if you don't enter the giveaways.
The Sounds of Silence, BlogHer Style
We get to share a room again,
At the Hilton in big New York,
and now I'm feeling like a real dork
And the conference
we've come miles to attend,
my best friend,
is known as Blogher
We entered through the doors and saw,
Ten thousand women maybe more,
I screamed "Holy hormones, Batman"
"I think I need to pop some Ativan"
The elevator crammed
while piped-in muzak played,
Our nerves were frayed,
In all the bustle
of Blogher
We went to seminars galore,
Met new friends at Sparklecorn,
"Did you get a lot of swag?"
"How will it all fit in my bag?"
While the bathroom lines
drastically increase in length,
I've got the strength
To wait my turn
at Blogher
Having to call my man was hard,
I think I maxed my credit card
Times Square and 5th Avenue,
I don't have a single clue
how to continue
after eyeing all that swank
And so my bank
just adores Blogher
We pack our things with a slight frown,
My bag weighs a thousand pounds,
After lunch with A.L.I.,
we said our goodbyes
embracing friends
we've just met face to face,
I've made my case,
to return
to Blogher
alternate ending:
How did we end up here in jail?
I hope our husbands can post bail.
Did it happen with our consent?
We meant no malicious intent
The experience would cement this in our brain,
While we refrain
from blame
at Blogher
I've turned off the comments on this post because I really want Rys to get some bloggy comment love. Please go tell her what you think of it.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Photo Friday: PLAY!

Marty playing chess at the
Marbles Kids Museum

My monkey boy Joey at the
Kids Together Playground

Kamikaze Gabe jumping off the
Kids Together Playground
Now, head on over to Calli's y'all and check out everyone's photos this week...and, break out those cameras and participate next week.
I still don't get it...

Thursday, July 29, 2010
The House on Teacher's Lane

Are you back? Good. Now I can tell you all about why you need to read this book NOW. The House on Teacher's Lane tells the story of the adventures and misadventures Rachel Simon and her husband go through while remodeling their house. While that alone would make it an entertaining tale, what makes this book truly amazing is Ms. Simon's masterful storytelling abilities and her knack for pulling you in so you feel what she's feeling. On top of that, Ms. Simon makes some truly profound observations about life, love, and friendship. I truly treasure my books and, while they always show wear and tear from being read and reread, I can rarely bring myself to mark in a book. Ms. Simon made comments so profound and so relevant that I found myself marking passages with a highlighter. For example, she says that "Family was the very house in which my thoughts had come into being, and they remained around and inside me all the time...But friends? In the house of me, my friends were the rooms themselves, each a private haven where I could be a different version of myself, as could they, each decorated by our unique camaraderie." I truly love that description of family and friendship. For me, it captures the essence of what family and friends are to me. And later, when Ms. Simon is musing about what brings two like souls together, "what gets us to recognize and speak to others who rhyme with us", she concludes that while she may never understand that, the one thing she can do is "Just keep paying attention. Look around. See all that you don't let yourself see." I think that is incredibly important advice for all of us. What I truly adore about this book is all these brilliant observations seem to just flow as part of the story. Not once does it seem like Ms. Simon is being preachy.
Guys, I could go on and on about this book but I don't want to tell you all the secrets about it. I want you to have the immense pleasure of discovering this book yourself. I do have one last teaser for you. Like any excellent story, there is a completely unforeseen twist near the end. Now, go pick up that copy of the book your rushed out to buy earlier and get reading.
*All quotes come from the book.
** The only compensation I got for this review was a copy of the book.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Congrats to the UPrinting Banner Giveaway winner
The Vortex
(back to writing over an hour later) Oh yeah, I was writing a post about how lame I've been and then my lameness cranks up a few more notches (does that mean my lameness is over achieving?) and I get distracted by all these blogs I should have been reading for the past 5 days and I forget I'm in the middle of apologizing. Damn. Oh yeah, oops. I just remembered how I got distracted. I was looking through my blogroll for a link I wanted to pass on to y'all.
- HUGE congrats to the awesome and incredible Calliope! She is a finalist in the 2010 BlogHer Voices of the Year awards.
- A big, big thank you going out to Fertility Chick for the beautiful necklace I won in her giveaway. I also adore the socks she sent me with the necklace.
- I just read a most incredible book called The House on Teacher's Lane by Rachel Simon. I'll be writing a review shortly but wanted to thank Cecily for putting me in touch with the people sending the books out to be reviewed. It is a seriously outstanding book.
- I also want to send a HUGE thank you and a damn you look amazing shout out to the Batty Nurse! She sent me the sweetest gift and I forgot to tell y'all about it. Thanks and love you sweetie!
- If you are plus-sized, get your ass in gear and get thee to an Avenue...either brick and mortar or online at They have some great clothes on sale. Also, in addition to that cute black dress I showed you a few posts ago, I scored a great deal on some shoes at their brick and mortar store (5 pairs for only $45).
*PS...please forgive the scattered nature of this post. Sadly, I can't blame it on recreational substances or pregnancy. I have to fess up and blame it on my brain still being awake at 3:30 am (and, from the time stamp on this post you can see how distracted I got earlier).
Monday, July 26, 2010
Perfect Moment Monday: Sisterhood
I am truly blessed with a fabulous family. Like all families, we have our issues but we truly love each other and go out of our way to be there for each other. This weekend, my oldest niece turned 13. With the exception of my hubby and my baby sister's hubby, we were all there to celebrate. Despite teh awful heat, we had a great time at a local park on Friday...swimming, picnicking, feeding geese. Then on Saturday, after teh birthday celebration and thanks to the generosity of my parents (thanks Mom and Dad), the boys and I joined the birthday girl and her whole family at Carowinds. We spent the whole time in the water park portion (it was too hot for anything else) and Gabe insisted on being in the big wave pool, not the small one. It was so much fun spending all this happy time with my family. I love you you all.
Then, when I got home, I found this wonderful surprise from my bestest bud and sister by choice, Jennifer (Please, please click on them and read it. They will open in another window.)...

Go check out the other perfect moments at this week's Perfect Moment Monday on Weebles Wobblog.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Photo Friday: Unplugged
My picture is simple, sweet, and self-explanatory. I LOVE seeing my boys like this.

Thursday, July 22, 2010
Gabe does the darndest things Part 2
The other morning, I heard Gabe calling me from the kitchen. This is what happened...
Gabe: "Mom, moooooommmm"
Me: "Just a minute. I'll be right there."
I come around the corner to see this...

Gabe: "Ummmmmmmmm, ummmmmmmmm, because I'm jelly!"
Sadly, I made the mistake of laughing. Now, at random points throughout the day, Gabe hops in the fridge and yells "I'm jelly!"

Are these my middle fingers?
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Fun Stuff from my inbox

The other fun thing I discovered in my inbox this morning is a game called Aequilibrium. My hubby gets the Kim Komando newsletters and she periodically highlights cool sites. Aequilibrium was today's cool site of the day.

Anyone have fun ways to waste your time online? I'm always looking for new and different fun stuff.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Post BlogHer ALI get together
I called on my NYC expert, also known as Dora from My Preconceived Notion, and discussed possible locations. Dora said that finding a good location for a group our size (around 20) can be problematic in that area of NYC. And, since we are trying to keep it indoors since the weather could mess up an outdoor get together, we concluded that the hotel lobby and coffee/juice/etc would be the best option. As a rule, hotels are willing to hold onto luggage for a bit if there is a gap between your check out time and departure time. That means we wouldn't have to worry about our luggage while we enjoy each others company.
The only remaining questions are what time do we plan this for and how do you feel about children at the get together. I know many of you still haven't had the child you long for and the presence of little ones can be painful. I also know that a few of the people integral to this community will not be able to be there if kids are not welcome.
So, to sum it up:
Location: lobby of the Hilton (we can always move it outside if the weather is good)
Time: post check out (mention a time in the comments if you have a specific time in mind)
Kids or no kids: answer the poll below
Monday, July 19, 2010
EdenFantasys Review: The Serenity by Evolved Novelties NSFW

Perfect Moment Monday: Bling for Mama
I've had a series of perfect moments while getting ready to go to BlogHer. I was trying to figure out what I wanted to wear and was trying to save money so I decided to deconstruct and remake an outfit I had. I was given an outfit made of beautiful blue material but the cut was totally unflattering. The shirt was a long sleeved shirt with a boxy cut and. the pants were kind of shapeless.

and this costume jewelry set...

Go check out the other perfect moments at this week's Perfect Moment Monday on Weebles Wobblog.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
A bit of this, a bit of that...
Josephus Daniels (18 May 1862-15 January 1948) was appointed Secretary of the Navy by President Woodrow Wilson in 1913. Among his reforms of the Navy were inaugurating the practice of making 100 Sailors from the Fleet eligible for entrance into the Naval Academy, the introduction of women into the service, and the abolishment of the officers' wine mess. From that time on, the strongest drink aboard Navy ships could only be coffee and over the years, a cup of coffee became known as "a cup of Joe".
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Oh goddesses of blogdom, help me!

Friday, July 16, 2010
Just Those Few Weeks
I had you to myself.
And that seems too short a time
to be changed so profoundly.
In those few weeks -
I came to know you . . .
and to love you.
You came to trust me with your life.
Oh, what a life I had planned for you.
Just those few weeks -
When I lost you,
I lost a lifetime of hopes,
plans, dreams, and aspirations . . .
A slice of my future simply vanished overnight.
Just those few weeks -
It wasn't enough time to convince others
how special and important you were.
How odd, a truly unique person has recently died
and no one is mourning the passing.
Just a mere few weeks -
And no "normal" person would cry all night
over a tiny, unfinished baby,
or get depressed and withdraw day after endless day.
No one would, so why am I?
You were just those few weeks my little one
you darted in and out of my life too quickly.
But it seems that's all the time you needed
to make my life so much richer
and give me a small glimpse of eternity.
- Susan Erling Martinez
My dear friend Vicki over at An Abundance of Blessings posted this a week ago. It so perfectly captures the feelings I had with each of my losses and I wanted to pass it on to you all.
Photo Friday: My 4-legged, Furry Family
We have 5 furry family members - 2 dogs (one a pound puppy and one from my sister) and 3 cats (one pound kitty, one from my mom, and one inherited from a friend). Our animals are true personalities and can be almost as maddening as our kiddos. I'd like to introduce you to our furry family members...

Jolie and Jack
Jack is half husky and half golden retriever. He's about 6 yrs old and acts like a puppy. Even though he has his wild moments he is unfailingly patient with the kids. Gabe adores him and has decided Jack belongs to him.



Max in the Box
Now, head on over to Calli's y'all and check out everyone's photos this week...and, break out those cameras and participate next week.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Lots to do...
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Can anyone explain this to me?
Gabe does the darndest things
Gabe walked at 8 months old. He tried to climb the ladder to the attic when he was only one week shy of 11 months old...

And, thank God for the bathing suits with the built in floats because Gabe FIRMLY believed he could conquer the swimming pool through sheer force of will.
Put simply, Gabe doesn't walk if he can run. He doesn't go around things if he can go over things. The world exists solely for the purpose of being Gabe's jungle gym.
Could you imagine what it would be like if I was not an attentive parent? I am with this little boy almost all day everyday. I watch him closely. Yet, if I dare to take a moment to load the dishwasher or clean the house, disaster can be (and often is) lurking right around the corner.
You will never guess what he did did yesterday. I will give you one hint. It did not involve physical danger (well, the act itself didn't).
So, would a kid like Gabe be enough to scare you of from even trying to have any more?
Monday, July 12, 2010
Random Madness and a perfect moment
I think I am getting desperate for a break. I had a long involved dream about actually being at BlogHer. I dreamed I met and talked to Mel, Aunt Becky, and Anissa. Don't know why my brain picked these three lovely ladies out of all the people I'm excited to meet but it did.
I got to visit with some wonderful friends of mine on Saturday. We haven't been able to mesh schedules since August and I was so excited to have them over. Marty was thrilled to see he is finally taller than their teenage daughter.
I picked the first peppers from my container garden this weekend. The plants my sis gave me were labeled bell peppers but, these peppers obviously are not bell peppers. The taste a lot like bell peppers...not much of a bite.

I finished the companion elephant to the one mentioned back in this post. Both elephants were made with the same pattern but the newer elephant was made with a thinner yarn and a smaller hook.

And, on Sunday, I had a perfect moment with my middle son. Joey brought me breakfast...

So, what's going on in your world?
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Solid Potato Salad
Computeris Destructum
Yesterday, Kristin asked you to send me support and love. I did not ask for, nor expect anything...but many of you came by with your thoughtfulness and bloggy love. It was a sweet and lovely surprise, and from the bottom of my heart I wanted to thank all who responded to her call.
Friday, July 09, 2010
My friend needs you...
ONLY SUPPORT criticism for anyone
uPrinting Banner Giveaway is allowing me to give you lucky readers a chance to win a 24"x36" vinyl banner. I am being compensated for this giveaway with a banner of my own but I would recommend uPrinting even if I didn't get goodies from them. I only support companies I believe in.
Now, I know many of you haven't seen anything uPrinting has made before but, let me tell you, they do amazing work. I have been thrilled with every product I have had uPrinting make me. This banner would be great for a birthday, a family reunion, or just to say I love you. uPrinting not only does phenomenal work but their prices are extremely economical. I seriously can not believe their cheap banner printing prices.

Shipping: Free UPS Ground Shipping
Eligibility: Limited to US Residents due to shipping costs.
Additionally, winners must be 18 yrs old or older.
Entering this giveway is simple but remember that EACH CHANCE REQUIRES A SEPARATE RESPONSE. What do you have to do to enter...
- REQUIRED: tell me what you think you would get on your banner
- Follow my blog via Google Friends Connect
- Follow me on Twitter and tell me your twitter name
- Follow uPrinting on Twitter and tell me your twitter name
- Follow Giveaway Blogs on Twitter and tell me your twitter name
- Tweet or facebook this giveaway and provide me the link to your tweet. Tweet example: Win a 24x36 vinyl banner from @dragondream , @uPrinting , & @Giveaway_blogs Entries close on 7/23 #giveaway (can use this entry once a day)
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Scattergories: Heat Wave Edition

SCATTERGORIES – it’s harder than it looks! Play here or let me know in the comments if you play on your blog. (note to those new to the game: these don’t have to be actual truths. If it helps- replace the word “you” in the questions & substitute it with “someone”.) Play on & use your imagination! Use the first letter of the answer to the first question to come up with answers for the rest. There is no wrong answer!
1. What is your favorite cool drink? Soda
2. Something you would put on or take off when hot? sexy lingerie
3. Something you would yell if overheated? *Stop the Fiiiiire in my brain!
4. Some place you would love to travel to if the temperature was above 90 degrees? San Fransisco
5. Something you would do in a rolling blackout? sex
6. Something you would listen to with the top down? (I mean of your hypothetical convertible, but feel free to get creative) Sex Pistols
7. Something you would rather be doing right now? see #5
8 . Some place that will always be hotter than where you are today? Satan's house
9. Something that sizzles when it touches the sidewalk?
10. Something that goes well with a barbecue? slaw
So, head on over to the home of Scattergories: Heat Wave Edition and join in the fun.
*It's a quote from this movie
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
The heat has baked my brain

Sunday, July 04, 2010
Photo Friday (on Sunday): Crafty Delight
My creativity has allowed me to stumble upon the method that let me take pictures like this...
It allows me to create patterns like this... and pass it on to a friend I love dearly.
And, I'm able to create quilts that bring the love of far flung friends home to someone who truly needs it...
Now, head on over to Calli's y'all and check out everyone's photos this week...and, break out those cameras and participate next week.
Friday, July 02, 2010
Check out my newest review...
*NSFW = Not safe for work
Thursday, July 01, 2010
Chocolate and peanut Butter...divine!
Buckeye Cake/Chocolate & Peanut Butter Cake (AKA Blow the Diet for this one Cake)
My, oh my! I was told that if the cake was on top of your head, your tongue would be slapping the side of your head trying to get to it. LOL!
Blow the Diet or Buckeye Cake
Printable Recipe
2 cups sugar
1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 cup cocoa powder
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoons salt
2 eggs
1 cup milk
1/2 cup butter, melted
1 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 cup boiling water
Heat oven to 350°F. Butter and flour 2 9-inch round baking pans. Stir together sugar, flour, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda and salt in a large bowl. Add eggs, milk, butter and vanilla; beat on medium speed of mixer 2 minutes. Stir in boiling water (batter will be thin). Pour into prepared pans. Bake 30-35 minutes or until wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes; remove from pans to wire racks. Cool completely.
3/4 cup creamy peanut butter
1/4 cup butter, softened
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
3/4 cup powdered sugar
Beat peanut butter, butter, & vanilla in med bowl until combined. Gradually beat in powdered sugar. Spread mixture on cake. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.
2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 cup heavy whipping cream
Heat cream in small saucepan to boiling; remove from heat. Add semi-sweet chocolate chips; let stand 5 minutes. Stir, refrigerate for 30 mins or until mixture is spreadable. Spread on top and sides of cake. Or Microwave on 70% power for 1 minute. Stir. Microwave additional 20-30 seconds on 70% power stirring after each.