And, yesterday Marty (my oldest) had on a red tie-dyed shirt my mom bought for him. Well, evidently, whoever made thsi shirt did NOT rinse the excess dye out before they sold it. Marty and Joey got into a water battle outside and, by the time they were done, Marty's shirt had bled red dye all over his body. Marty looked like he had the world's worst sunburn (pics to come later).

Finally, I got THE BEST NEWS today!!! Remember how I asked you to pray for my friend Pam. Well, it seems like those prayers are working. On Thursday, her hcg levels were in the 6000+ range. As of this morning, her levels are up over 17,000. They haven't repeated the u/s yet (I think that is scheduled for Wednesday) but, with her hcg levels doubling at about a *64 hour rate, evrything else looks PERFECT at this point. YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY
*remember, after you hit 6000, doubling times slow down SIGNIFICANTLY