Yes, those three things really do go together. They describe my life over the past month or so. The craziness and the wonder are both directly attributable to having Gabe in our life. It is truly crazy trying to fit our life around the demands of a baby. Its well worth it and I never, ever regret it but, when your hubby works two jobs and they are both rotating shifts and your other kids have activities 4 days a week, it sometimes feels like you never sit down. All that said, I also have to say that I am truly filled with awe and wonder everytime I think about the fact that my precious baby boy is finally here. My two older boys are so fabulous with Gabe. They truly adore their baby brother and have gone out of their way to help me out with things. And Gabe...he is perfect, he is precious, and he is growing by leaps and bounds. He is very alert and inquisitive and he loves to be held so he can stand up. At his two month check up he weighed 12 lbs 8 oz, measured 24 inches long, and his head circumference was 16 inches. According to the charts, his weight and head are average and his height puts him in the 70 percentile for his age. Hehehehe, how my hubby and I (big heads on both of us) produced a child with an average sized head is beyond me.
The frustration in my life stems from the fact that my husband has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Despite the fact that he is making the appropriate dietary choices, he is having trouble getting his blood sugar down to where it should be. I am hoping and praying that they can control it with oral meds and we don't have to resort to insulin.
Marty, my oldest, is doing well in school and seems to be losing some of his fear/reservation about performing in front of people. His class is putting on a play about the Underground Railroad and he is playing the teacher. He has to dress up in a sports coat and tie. I will be sure to take a picture!
And, little not so little anymore. Joey has gone through a huge growth spurt recently and I think he may have overtaken Marty in the weight department. The two of them are built soooo differently. Marty still has about 8 inches on Joey but they now wear the same size pants...and Joey's waist is slightly bigger than his big brother's waist. Thats right, my 5 year old and my almost nine yr old both wear size 8 pants! Thank God for eBay!!!
Thats all for now...I'll try to be back next weekend...same bat time, same bat channel!
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Friday, February 10, 2006
For your entertainment...
I promise a real update before the weekend is over but until then...
How do you go from this...

to this...

Well, you take one mommy who needs stress relief and add one jigsaw that was still in the house instead of the shed.
I had so much fun it may become a yearly tradition.
And, I found a site that allows you to upload small video files for free. So, if y'all want to see Gabe playing just click on this link Gabey baby
PS...the tree was taken down in a timely fashion...I just forgot to post the pics.
How do you go from this...

to this...

Well, you take one mommy who needs stress relief and add one jigsaw that was still in the house instead of the shed.
I had so much fun it may become a yearly tradition.
And, I found a site that allows you to upload small video files for free. So, if y'all want to see Gabe playing just click on this link Gabey baby
PS...the tree was taken down in a timely fashion...I just forgot to post the pics.
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