Gabe's been here for a month and it still doesn't seem real. He eats like a champ and its getting easier to burp him so we don't have the long screamfests at night anymore (YAY!). HIs first check up with his pediatrician was on Dec 7th and, on that date, he was already back up to his birth weight of 8 lb 1 oz. He had his second well baby visit on Dec 27th. He weighed in at 9lb 14.5 oz, his height was 22.5 inches (a gain of 1.5 inches since birth), and his head measured 15.25 inches (grew .75 inches since birth). I knew he had grown but I was shocked at just how much.

I must once again thank all of you for your support. Without the support I received, I might not have been able to stick with it long enough for my miracle baby to make it here.