"Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing. " -Helen Keller

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What The Fuck Wednesday: Welcome to the Fecal Fest

Welcome one, welcome all! Welcome back to What The Fuck Wednesday, the prime location to read about products, items, and events that make your head snap around and your mouth utter the phrase "What the fuck is that?"

I have this really bad habit. When I see something on TV that I can't quite believe, I head straight to the internet to find out if it really exists. Sometimes that habit comes back to bite me in the ass. It started way back in the day when King of the Hill was on TV and popular and they joked about Peggy Hill's big feet and made a comment about a web site called Spank Peggy's Feet. After I stopped laughing, I typed in the url to see if it was real and was slightly terrified to find out out it was.This habit also led to me googling info about Ozzy Osbourne colonoscopy sweepstakes commercial which led to a past What The Fuck Wednesday post. You would think that I'd know better by now. Evidently, I don't.

I was watching some past episodes of Pawn Stars earlier this week and there was this episode where Chumlee bought a can of ZooDoo. According to the show, ZooDoo is canned poop from zoo animals. I gave in to the urge and googled it. ZooDoo is produced by the Woodland Park Zoo and sold as compost. You can buy 2 gallons for $12.95 or 4 gallons of Holidoo (only available over the holidays) for only $20. What's more, ZooDoo is so popular that twice a year, the Woodlawn Park Zoo hosts the Fecal Fest to enable people to buy ZooDoo in bulk. But hurry, because the spring Fecal Fest ends on Saturday.

Guys, I get buying compost. I really do. It's great for gardening. But, ZooDoo...really?!? The prices are outrageous and, even at these prices, it is so popular that they have 2 Fecal Fests a year and so many people want to buy it that they have to have a lottery to determine who gets to buy the ZooDoo. What the fuck?!?!?

So, share a What The Fuck Story. Tell me what's the weirdest thing you've seen or heard about recently. Come on y'all, entertain me!