
Thursday, January 20, 2005

I had the MRI done on my knee yesterday...

and, damn, is that machine loud. During one part of the process, the machine sounds like a jackhammer .

According to the machine (and the docs that read the pics), I have a "possible" small tear of the meniscus (knee cartiledge) and an associated bone bruise. Pretty amazing how a small tear keeps me from straightening my leg all the way. The earliest appointment they have with the ortho doc is February 4th but they have me on the list to come in if there is a cancellation.


Julianna said...

That sounds awful!!!! I can't believe you have to wait so long!

Thinking of you.

Take care.

Twinkle Toes said...

Hey There-- I highly recommend a second opinion regarding a torn miniscus. My sister was diagnosed with one and did approx 6 months of exercises for it (religiously) and has healed 90% with most mobility back (she is even jogging 2x week). Surgery isn't always the answer, and if you dig for info from the docs--there isn't a very high rate of success with surgery for this type of injury--just make sure before you committ. I hope you feel better. Yes, the MRI's are noisy. Did you get to be in an open MRI, or the tube? The tubes are awful, especially if you are claustrophobic.

sweetisu said...

That's another 2 week yet! Geez. What do they expect you to do in the meantime about it??? Argh.

How is it - can you still chase your boys around the house etc? It sounds painful. :(

sweetisu said...

That's another 2 week yet! Geez. What do they expect you to do in the meantime about it??? Argh.

How is it - can you still chase your boys around the house etc? It sounds painful. :(

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