My perfect moment involves that lovely crocus I found in my back yard the other day. I was talking to my MIL the other day and mentioned that I had found a flower in my back yard and had no idea how the bulb had gotten there. When I told her it was a crocus, she got a look of surprise on her face. Then she told me this little story...
33 years ago, my in-laws moved to Cary from Germany. In the part of Germany that my FIL had been stationed, people frequently planted flowers all over their yard, not just in a garden. When they moved into this house, my MIL initially wanted to have her yard like that so she picked out a bunch of bulbs and had my FIL plant them all over the yard (the back yard use to be heavily wooded...almost like a small forest). Among the many bulbs planted were some crocuses. As some of the trees got cleared from the yard, most of the bulbs got moved to gardens. Somehow, that one crocus planted over 30 years ago managed to either lie dormant or reproduced and we got our crocus this year. I look at it as a greeting from my FIL.

This is such a beautiful story, Kristin. I love crocuses and the start of Spring. Best to you, visiting for Perfect Moment Monday.
I forgot how much I love the first crocus of the year! It really does wonders for my spirits.
And one year it showed up on the same day my son did. So crocus=love to me.
What a great story and a beautiful flower! That IS a perfect Monday! Add in the snow and you've got yourself a recipe for a GREAT day! I hope you enjoy it!
awesome story! What a pretty plant :)
Oh, and I wasn't able to find the actual name of this crocus by the way...I think I just bought some generic crocus bulbs that just said "purple" on them. :-)
So beautiful! Amazing that the same bulb could last so long.
Talk about a perfect moment! What a beautiful story to go with a stunningly beautiful flower.
A wonderful story!
How incredibly cool. Living history! And beautiful, too.
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